Out of Character: Rolled a 14 for will save so I failed
In Character: Theaton turns to Kessle, " Tell me what is your role in the greenbelt and how many people were in your group? Who do you report to? Where is the head quarters of the bandits?"
Kressle's eyes widen in surprise when she starts talking. Her voice is measured and even, unlike her playful tone before, "I am in the Greenbelt to oversee raids on the South Rostland Road between Oleg's Post and up to two miles from Fort Serenko. Also to continue my plan of monthly raids on Oleg's Post itself.
"I am a lieutenant in charge of 8 men, in service to the Stag Lord, as the silver amulet shows. To him I defer on matters of attacks, supplies, command and I pay my tribute, and will do so as long as he commands the fear of all the bandits in the region."
"The Stag Lord's fort lies within the hilly retain to the south. It's a ruin that he found on a dreary, lifeless hill that is taller than the others around it. It lies on the northern shore of the lake. I think you civilized folk call it the Tuskwater."
Her tone changes to a pleading one ans she begs, "Please don't make me say anymore! He will definitely defeat you and then he'll torture you until you admit I told you everything. He'll have my head for that! If I don't stand a chance, neither do you!"
Theaton looks at her for a minute. He then continues te questioning. "Tell us how many men the stag lord commands? How many other Lieutenants are there? Do they all command 8 men? Where are their main locations if known?"
She regains her composure and continues in her automatic voice, "The number of men in the fort changes, and the number of bandits working for him outside the fort also changes. Anywhere from five to twenty of the most able men are in the fort and countless others around the countryside, always moving camp.
His three most trusted are his other lieutenants, Akiros, Dovan and Ox. I've always seen them at the fort and I think they are kept close for different reasons. They command all of the men with the Stag Lord, Akiros is his second in command, Dovan is third and Ox is... Ox can only be trusted to cause pain, and lots of it. The men defer to him only because of his size, which makes up for his idiocy."
Thank you for your cooperation Kressle I am glad for the information you have provided us. Now tell us anything else you think will aid us in defeating the Stag Lord and help rid the Greenbelt of the Brigands.
Also tell me of any dangers you have come across and try to avoid."
Kressle answers, "Don't do it. There will only be pain and death for you. There are too few of you and his position is too good B... But if you must...
"Since there are so many of us and it's hard to keep track, there is a password us bandits use to get in. Unless it's been changed recently, it's - By the bloody bones of Saint Gilmorg, who wants to know? - Don't even ask, I have no idea who St. Gilmorg is.
"Also, the Stag Lord is a hopeless drunk. The liquor in our camp was for him, he gets all the stolen booze in the region. If any man rats out his comrade for keeping liquor, they are rewarded and the thief is tortured. But, even drunk out of his mind, he's a deadeye with a bow. I've never seen anyone like him.
"Of course there are lots of other dangers. Plenty of violent wild animals, monsters of all kinds, and the uncivilized living away from society like trolls, ugly frog men and even werewolves. Then there are the mites that live in the great old sycamore tree, they are more a prankish annoyance, but they did steal two of our bags recently. Don't know how many there are, and frankly I don't care."
Kressle sighs, defeated, "We attacked the post three times, have robbed trappers and exiles or outlaws, even a werewolf once. In human form, of course. Usually we do weekly raids on the South Rostland Road or barges on the Sellen River both to or from Restov. I have maimed both bandits and victims, usually a clean swipe with my handaxe.
"That's all, I swear it! There's nothing more!" She says. At this point, it is obvious she is relieved about something. It has been a few minutes.