Theaton looks at Kressle for a bit and then looks at Shivas. "I think we have gotten what need from her. I do not believe we will have to torture her at all. I say we turn her over to the guards for them to take her to Restov to be put on trial." Theaton looks back at Kressle, "Thank you for telling us what we needed to know." Theaton turns away and walks out of the building.
The last you see of Kressle, she looks ahead with the thousand yard stare, not sure what just happened, and unsure of her future.
Oleg Is placing the last rations on your horses, which are already packed with torches, arrows, water and feed. He himself has his own cart, pulled by two animals, ready to take the tatzlwyrm body. Jhod Kavken has a bow over his shoulder and a travel bag, ready to go.
Theaton will walk over to Oleg and tell of what crimes Kressle has admitted to. He suggests that she be taken to Restov. Unless of course Oleg wants her to himself. HE will double check all straps and ropes before getting ready to head back out to continue exploring.
Oleg glances towards Kesten, the guard, before saying, "As much as I'd like to hang her for what she did and how she treated us, it is really for the best if she be sent to Restov." He leaves he in Kesten's care to be sent to the city as soon as reasonable.
The group head off into the rolling fields of grass, continuing their exploration.
I need 3 survival rolls to find the exact location you fought the Tatzlwyrm, by attempting to track your own trail, with a +2 bonus for using landmarks.
Survival rolls from a d20 with no modifications. 10, 13, 14
Theaton will help Oleg make it back to the place where we killed the Tatzlwyrm. After that we will head back out exploring the greenlands and riding the place of bandits and other bad things.
Theaton easily finds the location of the Tatzlwyrm's corpse, and the dead dog. They are attracting some flies and beetles, but Oleg praises the good condition of the Tatzlwyrm's head and gets to work placing it on his cart. He tells you to consider the 600 gold of credit already added to your party account.
The three riders head east, into previously unexplored territory. The sun beats down on you as you see a lone hut standing out of the plains, in the distance. From a distance you see it is made of wood, with a thatched roof, a shuttered window and wooden door. A thin wisp of smoke rises from a metal chimney.
Dismounting to make less noise, Theaton approaches the hut from 200 feet away with Shivas and Jhod holding his horse. Up close the building looks crudely built, but well maintained.
Please roll Survival, Perception, Stealth and an extra d20.