SAT Tips
Have you ever written the SAT exam? If so, please give tips for approach / study, etc.
I took the SAT's when I moved to the US since my CXC exam results did not convert easily here. I don't remember what my score was, but I know I did better in the Math section than the Language section. My advise would be to get your hands on one of those books with practise exams and go through them over and over and over. Repetition is a big part of doing well on the exam, plus there is a good chance you will see a number of practise questions in the exam itself.
Go to the site, and click the SAT Preparation Center link. On the left, there should be a serious of topics. Click one of the topics, and start answering practice questions. .
Moreover, there is an official question of the day.
I would also highly encourage to get the Preperation Book which costs $70. This is not to say "Give them money", but it's well worth the extravangant price.
I prepared with software on my computer. It had a variety of pretests, and would even time you through each section of the test. Then you could get your score calibrated, see which questions you missed, and get full explanations of why *your* answer was wrong and *their* answer was correct. It was really helpful to me. The software I used was from Kaplan.
SAT Gets A Makeover
The College Board has announced major changes to the SAT, including making the essay optional, and no longer penalizing wrong answers. Erik Robelen of Education Week talks about the changes.