The first U.S. Case of MERS-CoV has been reported in Indiana, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Friday.
MERS-CoV, short for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, is a type of coronavirus.
Since the first documented cases in spring 2012, MERS has sickened at least 339 people in Saudi Arabia alone and killed nearly a third of them, according to the country's Ministry of Health. Ref. CNN
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome linked to higher mortality, more severe illness than serious non-MERS infection
Patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) develop more severe critical illness and have higher mortality than patients with non-MERS severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), according to investigators involved with the largest study of critically ill patients with MERS. Ref. Source 4u.
MERS antibodies produced in cattle safe, treatment well tolerated in phase 1 trial. An experimental treatment developed from cattle plasma for Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection shows broad potential, according to a small clinical trial. The treatment, SAB-301, was safe and well tolerated by healthy volunteers, with only minor reactions documented. Source 6n.
Emerging diseases: Is MERS-CoV a threat for Africa? The main MERS-CoV reservoir species is the dromedary, which is found in large numbers in many African countries. Why is it that they have never transmitted the virus to humans, as they have in parts of the Middle East? Source 3y.