Name: George
Title: Defiance of CJ
Comments: I see that the Chief Justice is off again on one of his annual jollies,living the life of Riley at the expense of the taxpayers.Concerning the call from his professional colleagues for him to resign, I think they are barking up the wrong tree. Many Citizens of importance here,like the Chief Justice are welded to the realm of the PNM, its doctrine and ideology and beliefs of being superior and know it all. Even a dismissal notice from the PM which is most unlikely, is going to shift him. The Chief Justice should by now realize that he has past his sell by date. Having obtained his position in 2008 things are still as bad as they were then .He has made very little difference to out justice system. The record speaks for itself. One of the main problems other political parties have here, for despite there being a change in government the machinery of our politics is still controlled by long serving PNM stalwarts within the Civil service who are difficult to remove from their official positions. The system of politics here is still based on the principles and procedures of the PNM pioneers of our politics which came into play after our independence.It is base on the attitude of 'we are in charge now syndrome', hence the lack of progress here, where the living conditions and progress of all the people of this nation is concerned. Most politicians here haven't got a clue about politics, and do not really display their educational qualities or professional abilities or knowledge of their University of the West Indies degrees. The impression given is that they are unable to control the lack of discipline, ethical or professional bad behavior or under hand tactics used by their own supporters, be they of an importance status or ordinary citizens.Very few are respected and can be relied upon as a mentor or for guidance on compassion or morals If it was not for the easy access to our massive profits from our oil and gas resources this nation would have already been destroyed because of the desire of personal greed by many of our politicians and wayward officials which has spread down the line and created many of our corrupt citizens. We would have been forgotten like some other small nations of the world, and without any real attempts of diversification and with defiance from citizens like the Chief Justice to move on, this is exactly the expected future of T&T when our natural resources are depleted.
Name: George
Title: The CJ must go now
Comments: In my opinion I think it is in the interest of the nation and our citizens if the Chief Justice resigns or be dismissed from his position. There are too many ifs and buts about the part he played in the recent adverse legal matters. The justice system at the moment is under a great deal of strain which is part and parcel of the present legal system not being properly managed. This have drifted from bad to worse especially over the last decade and the blame must lie squarely on the shoulders of the head of our justice system. It is therefore essential that the Chief Justice be replaced sooner than later. The situation is unlikely to change if things remain as they are now.
Name: George
Title: The Chief Justice
Comments: I see that the Chief Justice Ivor Archie have left the Marcia Ayers-Ceaser saga in limbo as he shunned away from making any meaningful comment on the matter. What is the point of having a Chief Justice who is a law unto himself, and who becomes tongue tied when something goes wrong in our justice system here .Moreover why are politicians hands tied despite call for Ivor Archie to resign.Something is not quite right here.
He cannot comment on it because the matter is before the courts you of all people who claim to know how things should be done in Trinidad should know that when a matter is before the court you cannot prejudice the case by giving your opinions while in a position of authority in the public domain.
Name: George
Title: Ivor Achie
Comments: Thanks for your observation. However, I think you are missing the point as the Chief Justice was asked to intervene in the initial stages of this saga. But he then failed to say anything worthwhile.As the head of the Justice system there is nothing that prevents him from making some sort of comment about the present situation.The nation is congested with citizens in authority who do not seem to understand their role and responsibility in this society.
Name: George
Comments: I note that the local politicians in the corridors of power are still allowing the Chief Justice to have a say in current legal matters despite the allegation that he has acted illegally prior to his present intervention .This what I mean when I say the country is falling apart. In any other democracy, the Chief Justice would have been suspended until the results of his alleged misdemeanors are investigated.