It is not just the soldier's brutality on this country that we have to watch out, it is the police officers too! This morning I usually watch the early newscast on CNC3 and I saw this "Barataria man beaten by 13 police officers", and I was just a bit surprised seeing this headline. The victim said that after he come out of a police station in Barataria, a police officer starting hitting him, and then after, 12 more came and did the same action as the first police officer. I couldn't hear exactly what the reporter said but the sentences before this one is all that I can remember. I believe the victim said that the police officer said something to him and when he stopped, then he started beating him.
Even so, why the police officers will do a kind of action like that? The victim have scrapes and bruises all over him, and he even have some damage on his eye because of the beating! What is going on with this country?