Is our Heavenly Father the Creator of the universe, or is he just an organizer of an already existing creation? Teaching on the subject doesn't seem to be clear to me. What are your thoughts/opinions? If He is not the creator of the universe, then how did the universe come to be?
Good question. Not sure. This is like to ask whether God is THE God or there is someone higher than him. I think he's both the creator and organizer.
Its mostly hard to answer this question, because I don't know if we completely know what the Universe is. For the most part it probably wasn't created it was just there.
The only thing I know about this subject is a question asked to Joseph Fielding Smith about why Intelligence isn't created.
Name: Konroh
Comments: I would like to raise a philosophical issue. I believe that the eternity of any thing has to be tied up to its personhood. In other words, there has to be one eternal thing out of which flows everything else, and this eternal essence has to have consciousness and personality, otherwise how could it create these things. To me there has to exist a God who exists outside the realms of time and space in order for these things to be created. He Himself must be unbounded by time and space, eternal and omnipresent. Nothing that is created within time and space can ever become unbounded by these things, unless acted on by an outside force. The fact that God chose to add to his divinity humanity in the person of Jesus Christ was the love of God manifested to us so we could come to know Him. I want to serve the One who is above all, time, space, the universe, everything. In the end, there can be only one.
Name: Gospeldoc
Comments: We learn in the scriptures that Christ is the creator of all things. For example Mosiah 3:8 and John 1:1-10. God the Father was the Author of the plan. Abraham 3:22-28 show God the Father in his role. I don't know where people came up with the idea that God took parts from other worlds and created ours. But he did take existing unorganized matter to form everything. That is also talked about in Abraham 3. If you want to learn more about the creation read Genesis and the book of Moses.
No, this universe existed for eternity before God the Father became a God. The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that matter is eternal and the God does not have the power to create matter or destroy it. He also taught that the Lord created this world out of matter from other worlds. As for God existing outside the boundaries of time, the D&C disproves that idea: