Feyra follows and goes behind Charles again frightened not knowing what else to do, she keeps trying to assist Charles on defense.
Will Save Check: 14+1-1 = 14
1d4 Roll: 1
Aid Another Check : 9+5-2 = 12
Trigger : If attacked- For defense
Charles will throw the sapphire gemstone at the mummy and hoping that it might produce effect on it.
Attack roll: 17 (15+2+4=21) (21-4=17)
Out of Character: Wait, what is "BAB" Again? Edited: Felipe on 5th Oct, 2014 - 12:17pm
BAB is Base Attack Bonus, roughly translating to your combat training/ability in general.
Your post lacked the damage part, but I figured it out to help ya. It was 1+your strength modifier.
The gemstone finds it mark, and hits the mummy, as this provokes it into combat!
It lets out a roar, as it charges forward onto Charles, slamming its right hand onto him. Despite both Feyra's and Charles' own efforts to defend, this inflicts 11 points of damage to Charles!
Basmet needs to make an additional save each round, until she succeeds at 14. Until then, she will continuously attempt to kill herself, dealing automatic damage, after the save roll.
Remaining HP: 7.
Charles, being greatly affected by the mummy's attack, he realizes that he is no match for such a being. He quickly tries to move away from the mummy as far as possible while looking for a place to escape. He says to Feyra,
"We are no match compared to such a being! You must go away from here as fast as possible...Or we are all going to be destroyed!".
"TOO LATE!" roars the mummy as it's about to follow Charles' tracks down the corridor! Basmet is there, also being the only source of light. Charles (And Feyra, if she comes along) sees that Basmet has stabbed herself, and continues to do so, having an expression of despair and confusion on her face!
Feyra rushes and jumps on Basmet trying to disarm her as she shouts to her with a shaken voice while tears can be seen in her eyes from her fear.
"Wake up! Basmet!"
Disarm Check: 18+5-4 = 19
As soon as Feyra disarm Basmet's weapon, Charles quickly approaches her and carries her up with him since it is most unlikely that she will not have the energy to run at this time. After that he says to the others,
"Come on! We don't have much time!" Charles tries to look for a quick exit from this place to stay away from the mummy.