Cyrvil suprised by the voice and troubled by it's speech says :
"By my troth, I know not what's going on here or what thy voice said. I can't understand. Is it something goodly length in times past? Is it something thee voice wants to deliver? It speaks of travels, however from Thanatos the journal begins. A journal in afterlife or a journal to a paradise of afterlife. But, a mere mortal cannot pass these barriers while alive. It's seems to be a legend or a tale of a land which we mortals can only dream of. Sadly, I don't possess enough knowledge but I really love legends and tales of this world. This world can be merciless but it's also can be very beautiful."
As Cyrvil steps to the side leaving the others opinions to take place.
Wisdom Check: 14-1 = 13
Edited: Kamsans on 16th Jun, 2014 - 1:38pm
Wow! That was an extremely good guess! You are very close to the answer! I'm really amazed!
Wisdom check result for insight, for Cyrvil: You have been asked to solve a riddle, and the answer is a place. "Across the sea" May refer to the Astral sea.
Awaiting for guesses and rolls from the other two!
(Every time you post a guess, you may also roll a new Wisdom, Arcana or Religion check. There are different hints to be given out!)
Edited: Johnathan on 16th Jun, 2014 - 1:54pm
Tical, please accompany your checks with an indication of what they are. I did a quick check so here are your results:
Kn. (Arcana) result for Tucker: You know that there are many demi-planes in the Astral sea. The one you need to name is one that has been built over time by many individuals. This would normally unlock a Knowledge (The planes), but Tucker is unfortunately not trained in it.
Insight Wisdom check result for Tucker: "Architects of new reality" Does not necessarily mean "Gods.". Also, Tucker's insight might lead to an even better clue. Tucker unlocks, and may roll another Knowledge (Arcana) check.
Edited: Johnathan on 16th Jun, 2014 - 2:55pm
Tucker mind starts to fill with Ideas as he try's to remember some bits of arcane knowledge that his master beat into him. 1d20=17+5=22
Tucker strokes his beard as he tries to rid himself of the horrible memories, but at the same time he try's to maintain the new knowledge he has realized. Then he tells the rest of the group his thoughts.
Out of Character: that OK or would you rather kn(Arcane 1d20 [..])
Gordon starts to think of ways to try to solve the riddle, he answers back to the talking statues and he hopes to get the answer correct.
Wisdom Check: 19 (19+0=19).
Knowledge Check: 14 (15-1=14).
Gordon's insight check result, in conjunction with the knowledge that the others have shared: You need to name a plane of existence, which is created by all mortal beings, since the beginning of time.
Tucker's Knowledge result: The statue resembles a figure you have seen depicted in a planar tome. The figure's name is Morpheus, and he is known to the Fey as "Lord Shaper." Morpheus is a god of that has the ability to take any human form and appear in dreams. His true semblance is that of a winged daemon, imagery shared with many of his siblings.