Does God Punish Us While On Earth? - Page 2
Name: Isaiah
QUOTE What's the difference?
I think that there is a big difference. The difference being that is there consequences for actions or is there a god that is vengeful and angry that is driven to punishment? Is God reactive to our actions by punishing, or is he active in a way that he wants to redeem us? I guess I see the idea of punish in terms of condemning. I think we need to perhaps discuss motive.
I personally do not see God as a punishing god. I think that when I sin, consequences come, but I do not think it is God dishing out the punishment because of his anger or because I am owed a beating per say. I can perhaps say God may send me lessons to correct my life, and those lessons may be painful, but never intended to punish but rather to correct and redeem. I do not think that God withholds blessings as a punishment either. I feel that he may send corrective measures our way (Some may be painful) so that we can be capable to receiving blessings that we may not have been ready to have.
The proof for me is in the gospels where we are told that Jesus is like the Father in all things. If Jesus is like the Father and the Father punishes one for sin, then we would have to say that we would see Jesus do the same thing in his encounters with sinners because he is like the Father. However, we do not see this. We see a compassionate Jesus who forgives, lifts, and heals DESPITE ones sins. Therefore we can say since they are a like, that the Father behaves the same way when he encounters sin. Remember as Elder Holland said, one of Christ missions here on earth was to reveal the Father to us. So we must look at Jesus' actions revealing the character, of the Father.
QUOTE I think when he withdraws his spirit he is punishing us
I do not think God withdrawals his spirit. I do not think that is scriptural. The term for the comforter used by John in the Greek is paraklete meaning ones public defender. In other words John is saying that the Spirit is your public defender one who will stand before the judgment bar of Christ and defend you. How can he defend you if he leaves you in times of sin? That is his job according to John. Besides when do we really need a comforter? At times of sin and weakness in our lives. Why would the comforter leave when we need him the most? It is not logical nor scriptural. Now with that said, I think that we ourselves can turn from his Spirit, and not listen, but this does not mean that spirit is not available at such times in our lives if we soften our hearts and listen. So I do not see this as a punishment but rather a gift of Mercy.
QUOTE we always are harder on ourselves than Heavenly father is on us
I cannot speak for everyone's personal experiences, but from my experiences with God, he is a very merciful Father, and his mercy is deeper then I can comprehend. He is also very kind, loving and patient, not a demanding and jealous God. I find that his mercy and forgiveness even astonishes me, so I do not like to put limits on an infinite being.