Why would someone want to become Anti-Mormon as opposed to being just disagreeable - is there a difference?
There is a very great difference. An anti-Mormon is just like an anti-Semite. Prejudice, self-righteousness, and pride drive such people. They go around telling Mormons what we believe, and when we object, they have the gall to tell us that we don't even know what we believe!
Over the years, I have had many, many experiences with anti-Mormons, beginning when I was 15 years old. Most, if not all, of their arguments are old, worn out, and completely answered. It can get very funny when I see, or hear, the same old tired statement, and someone thinks that it is really some new discovery that will convince all Mormons that we are duped, deceived, stupid, and hoodwinked.
When someone is just disagreeable, they don't tend to make the one subject the focus of their life.
Anti-Mormons do not have any real knowledge about doctrine, they think that just because they read a couple of statements of past Prophets they have everything figured out. They are liars because they never tell you the purpose of their posts...it is always the old trick of "I have some questions" and when you do answered them, of course they never agree and when you make some points to them..they ignore you completely and they move on to another point.
And in my experience within this forum no matter how many times you tell them something, they never read! and when you delete them...they always try to come back. They are like a plague.
There may be some Anti-Mormons who actually believe they are trying to "help" us poor, misinformed, and misguided Mormons find "true" Christianity. However, as the previous posts point out, most of these Anti's have their own agenda to stir up trouble without really knowing the truth about anything. It's unfortunate because they cause so much distress and dissension, and actually have some success with some people who may not have very strong background in the true doctrine of the church.
I decided to look around at some "Christian" forums, just to see what was being discussed. Of course, being a Mormon, one of the first things I did was to search on the word "Mormon".
I became very discouraged to find that ALL of them that I looked at gleefully threw around all the anti-Mormon stuff they could come up with. I only found one place where a Mormon was able to respond, and the others started to gang up on him and just throw question after question at him, all designed as traps to snare him.
I find it very sad that these places where people could come together to discuss corresponding beliefs become so hostile that they simply become big echo chambers. Basically, they don't allow any other belief systems to discuss things there.
I didn't find even one where I would be comfortable for more than 5 minutes.
Anti-Mormonism is something that I simply can not understand. Now, I'm not a Christian or a Mormon, but I am a thinker, and I look at it this way. The Bible says
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20 |
Texas Anti-Mormon Church Secretly Distributes Anti-Mormon Literature
Some 19 people in Sunday dress stood outside the Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City and handed out small packets of tissues to women going into the meeting. Ministry leader Keith Walker said his group came prepared to distribute 10,000 tissue packets. Ref. Source 5
Name: Michael
Title: Anti-Mormon
Comments: The Prophet Joseph Smith explained it this way: he said that when you accepted the gospel, you left neutral ground and you can never get back on to it again. You will always be either for or against the gospel, but you can never again be neutral. That pretty much describes the situation.
Note: Source? No quote or reference given.