Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 1st Apr, 2016 - 5:58pm

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  Autism Speaks Since when is Blue the color of Autism - No! Blue is the color of Autism Speaks an organization that rakes in lots of money and only gives 4% to Autism Families!
Post Date: 20th Jun, 2007 - 10:45am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Autism Speaks


A year after their grandson Christian was diagnosed with autism in 2004, Bob Wright, the chairman of NBC/Universal, and his wife, Suzanne, founded Autism Speaks, a mega-charity dedicated to curing the neurological disorder that afflicts 1 of every 150 children in America today.
Ref.,1249,... 94803,00.html

Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks (Hover)

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14th Jul, 2012 - 5:51pm / Post ID: #

Speaks Autism

I recently started a Thread in Facebook within the Autism Speaks group. I want to log what is being said by me here:

My introduction to the group

Father or 3 boys under the spectrum. I run a few web sites to try get more awareness but really no one knows or understands the tears and depression that comes with this.

Someone asks about the sites

Source 4 - thats about me.
Source 8 - a site I started about my first son now mother's Blog
Source 3 - about autism from a local perspective

Lastly, some of these topics are pulled from our main psychology related board site: Source 4
In all these you can comment without having to join anything, but in the last one I gave you can register if you want notification of replies. Some of the topics there are deep so I will very much like to have someone to go in length about it there. Thanks.

Someone claims that I should visit a site and contribute money (Utah based company) to get an insight into autism

It will be nice if I lived in Ogden, Utah and could have access to qualified ongoing help but that does not help me at all. Where I live there are no facilities, therapists willing to handle more high functioning children and so I am home all day with them. I also do not have access to relatives and 'friends' with which to entrust my children so getting breaks is a very difficult thing. Also, listening to a 6 hour audio tape as a parent with 3 autistic boys is like asking me to stand on my head and spin. That's the thing with autism - it is a broad spectrum BUT also the situation of each parent is also just as broad yet with SPECIFIC situations that cannot be solved with one or two steps.

Someone pushing me towards NACD insists…

I know you are trying to 'sell' something after all that is what companies are created for - a profit, and it may help someone in the USA or some other place in the world where you are located. At this point in my life when someone cries out for help (For example myself - a parent with THREE autistic children)... I cannot relate to the response 'show me your wallet' especially when I said the methods you use does NOT fit my situation. Thanks but no thanks.

1st Apr, 2016 - 5:58pm / Post ID: #

Autism Speaks Health & Special Psychology

I had left that FB group (Above) - too many ads and calls for money. Read more about Autism Speaks and why "Light Up Blue" is not about Autism but about getting money to Autism Speaks: Blue Is Not The Colour Of Autism - Autism Blog.

> TOPIC: Autism Speaks


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