California Shipping Ports
What are the Shipping Ports like in California? What costs does the average person have to pay in California for shipping / transport by ship? What are the most visible differences between Shipping Ports in California and other parts of the world?
Consider: Deep habor, drydock, passenger dock facilities, jetty, etc.
Port to vote on CEO's ouster
Darbeau has been under fire for dealings with tenants
The board of San Diego port commissioners has called a meeting for 2 p.m. Friday to vote on whether to end the employment of CEO Wayne Darbeau, according to a newly posted ... Ref. Source 3
Port parts ways with CEO
The Port of San Diego parted ways with CEO Wayne Darbeau on Friday, after weeks of reviewing his dealings with agency tenants. The vote was 6-1, with no public discussion. Commissioner Dukie ... Ref. Source 3
Hornblower crashes into downtown pier
Downtown San Diego A Hornblower passenger day-cruise ship rammed into the Embarcadero Thursday afternoon.The crash occurred about 12:50 p.m. At the well-traveled brick walkway along North Harbor Drive near Broadway. Details ... Ref. Source 1e.
Port favors spire plan to replace Seaport Village
Seaport San Diego, a $1.2 billion replacement for Seaport Village with a 500-foot spire and three hotels, won near unanimous support yesterday. The port district board voted 6-1 to move to exclusive discussions, with a final decision expected in October. Ref. Source 6j.