Don't start the funeral music yet AlaskanLDS. It is not all over yet. I have only taken it off the public access server, but possibly I can:
1. Change the name
2. Take out all the RISK related icons
3. Keep it private, so it is not accessible to the public
4. Make it so only certain of us can access it and see it
So do not worry, all your accounts are still there, just give me some time, or should I say give Hasbro's attorney's some time to see what they say.
Yes, you will still be able to play. Like I said the game and everything as it is (including your current games) are all there unchanged. I just need to see to what extent they are going with this and then I will make adjustments to suit. I know they have read my reply Email, but have not received a reply yet. For now you will just need to immerse yourselves in the other RPGs / Games until then, sorry for the inconvenience.
Just as an update... I was not getting any reply so I wrote Hasbro's legal reps again and they said that they will have a more substantive reply for me later today, hopefully it will be something positive. I will keep all informed via this Thread.
Good news! Here is the reply I received:
Thank you for your quick response and removal of the game. We also appreciate the link to the sourceforge.net site. In regards to the MORMON version of the game, if you do not use any trademarks or copyrights of Hasbro, Inc., then Hasbro has nothing to complain about. We cannot, however, review and/or approve your game, rather you should seek your own independent legal advice. |
I am really excited to hear that! I use it as a de-stresser! I could use that about now--it was a long day! Thanks for all the "extra" things you do!