Chandresh Sharma
What is your opinion on the appointment of Chandresh Sharma as Minister of Local Government?
Image from
Chandresh Sharma (Hover)
Sharma Resigns
Now another Minister-Sharma is in a web of controversy after a woman-Sacha Singh, managing director of AMS Biotech Security Concept and AmSure T&T Ltd, who claims to be Sharma's ex-girlfriend, reported to officers of the St Joseph police station that he was violent against her.
Singh, 30, alleged that Sharma, 54, hit her and pushed her down at the Grand Bazaar mall on March 12. Ref. Source 3
What is wrong with these Ministers in government? They don't have enough to deal with already that they also have to be involved in extracurricular activities? The next question is why is all of this happening right now like one wave after another? Could this be some conspiracy to make the PP or mostly the UNC look bad?