Doomsday Preppers
If you are a frequent viewer of the TV Series called, "Doomsday Preppers" Then please give us your review?
Doomsday Preppers (Hover)
For actual Discussion on what you would do to prepare for 'Doomsday' see: Doomsday Preparation, What Would You Do?
I like the series in that it gives you food for thought on the subject of catastrophe. What would you and could you do to survive. I think some of the scenarios of catastrophe can be outlandish and silly, but all the same who am I to know what could occur in future. I would like to some day have my own property that would power itself and reproduce all the food and supplies I might need to live, with or without a catastrophe. Living off the grid so to speak. In that the series can give you a great many ideas how to become self sufficient.
Season 4, Episode 1
A home in Montana is protected against extreme climates whilst taxidermy is utilized to hide bombs and a command center is created.
Season 4, Episode 2
The show talks to three Americans who are all getting ready for some sort of economic collapse.