Baby Left In Old Washing Machine

Baby Left Washing Machine - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 11th May, 2008 - 8:01pm

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Child Abandonment
8th May, 2008 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine

Just imagine a woman gives birth and then puts her newborn with umbilical chord attached into an old washing machine in the bushes. She then goes to work.

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9th May, 2008 - 2:57am / Post ID: #

Machine Washing Old Left Baby

She then went to work? What the heck? spock.gif I am absolutely shocked. I wonder if she has other kids. I hope she is arrested and charge for this awful crime!

9th May, 2008 - 12:00pm / Post ID: #

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Imagine, the newborn was covered with ants and they were bitting him! Poor thing. The "mother" who surrendered to the police has another child and asked the police to return the baby to her. Instead the police will charge her with baby abandonment and possibly attempting murder.

Post Date: 9th May, 2008 - 2:09pm / Post ID: #

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine
A Friend

Machine Washing Old Left Baby

I am surprised he survived as long as he did to be rescued. To have the mother go to work after abandoning him I hope they charge her with attempted murder. SHe needs to face judgement.

11th May, 2008 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Machine Washing Old Left Baby

Only in Trinidad! rolleyes.gif

The grandmother of this baby said from day one that she does not want another baby at home (that's why her daughter abandoned him). The police tried to convince this woman to take care of the baby and she said no. Yes, you are reading good.

Now she changed her mind after some nurses convinced her to do it despite the fact that three people and a childless couple were willing to adopt him so now the baby will end up in the house of someone who never wanted him in the first place and who will be there living along with them? Yep, the mother of the baby. *sigh*

Even though she has to face a judge I can almost assure that she will leave with a slap on her wrist and back to her mother's home with the baby she abandoned.

Is it that the life of children are so worthless in this banana republic?

Post Date: 11th May, 2008 - 6:35pm / Post ID: #

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine
A Friend

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine

What is the problem with the educational system in Trinidad? Something like this in the USA is completely inexcusable because of education on how to care for children, WHY to care for children and the availability of free councilors. This young woman was stupid and obviously afraid of her mother and her mother is the monster. You don't want your daughter having any more babies ... get her birth control! Hell buy her a chastity belt! Didn't this woman notice her daughter was pregnant? Not many women can actually hide a full term pregnancy.

I agree that this child should not be returned to her mother and the authorities should take both children away from her. At the very least, even if the girl loves her children the grandmother obviously doesn't. IF taking mother and child out of the household is not possible then take the kids.

Is irresponsible fatherhood a big problem in Trinidad? Again, what's wrong with the educational system there? Don't they teach responsible citizenship? Don't they teach sex education? IF not in the schools then in the churches because it obviously isn't taught at home, either. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this mother had no prenatal care either. It amazes me that the child was born healthy at all.

I thank God for the man who did not run away but went for help. For this child, he was an angel, some people do have a sense of responsible citizenship and compassion for children. Leaving the umbilicus and afterbirth attached could have bled the child to death. The ants actually did the child a favor as the article said they attacked the afterbirth first. The acid in the ants saliva would have stopped the bleeding.

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11th May, 2008 - 7:11pm / Post ID: #

Baby Left Old Washing Machine

This young woman was stupid and obviously afraid of her mother and her mother is the monster. You don't want your daughter having any more babies ... get her birth control! Hell buy her a chastity belt!

I know what you are saying but is it the responsibility of the mother? This young woman is over 18. She is actually 20 years old.

Is irresponsible fatherhood a big problem in Trinidad?

It is a huge problem. I would say parenthood in general. Broken homes and parents leaving their kids behind when they go abroad to work, abuse, you name it. These kids end up being raised by a relative that cannot deal with them. Trinidad is a mess in that aspect and a very "sexualized" country.

Post Date: 11th May, 2008 - 8:01pm / Post ID: #

Baby Left In Old Washing Machine
A Friend

Baby Left Old Washing Machine Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

LDSS-Forever wrote

t is a huge problem. I would say parenthood in general. Broken homes and parents leaving their kids behind when they go abroad to work, abuse, you name it. These kids end up being raised by a relative that cannot deal with them. Trinidad is a mess in that aspect and a very "sexualized" country.

I know very little about Trinidad. Is the government there doing nothing to try to change the situation? What about the churches? How good or poor is the public education?

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