Criminals Do The Strangest Things - Page 12 of 19

Accused shoplifter flees, leaving kids behind - Page 12 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 14th Jan, 2011 - 11:41pm

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Dumb Criminals
10th Dec, 2010 - 8:39am / Post ID: #

Criminals Do The Strangest Things - Page 12

I got 2 for today...

So what were you looking to steal from that house?

Stuff...and when do I get my truck back?

Stuff? You mean money, electronics, guns?, I get my truck back when I leave right? Cause you all got no reason to keep it.

So what were you going to do with the stuff?

Give it to needy kids. You really haven't answered any of my questions. I get my truck back...right? You all have no right to keep my truck. I got to be able to make money and live.

Well Kyle, we are going to hold your truck for a bit and inspect it, but your cooperation has been just swell and we look forward to prosecuting you later. Have a nice day now!

Later...Kyle explains to an equally sharp tool that goodtimes are just a impound away! you are telling me that all we have to do is break into the police impound lot and get what is rightfully yours out of your truck and it is up in smoke all night?

Yepper...cops got no right to take my weed. I didn't steal the weed. I worked for that weed. If we get it get a pot buffet tonight.

Yeah...Kyle you are soo right dude! Let's go... Cops are idiots anyway!

Karen Nelson
Sun Herald

international QUOTE
It all started when police arrested Kyle Blaine Corr, 19, of Baltic Street in Waveland on Monday morning, charged him with burglary of a house and impounded his truck.

Corr was picked up when all the members of a newly formed Neighborhood Watch group on Jourdan River Road called police to say they saw a man running from under a raised house on their street. Police found stolen items in Corr's 2003 Ford pickup.

He was booked and released on bond.

"The truck was impounded by detectives as a result of the burglary investigation, and temporarily stored at the police department until an inventory could be conducted and all the stolen property cataloged and photographed," DeNardo said.

But during the day Monday, the investigating officer became suspicious when Corr kept trying to get his truck back, demanding to know when he would be able to get it, DeNardo said.

The officer told his supervisor Corr might try to 'steal the vehicle back, destroy it or otherwise tamper with evidence," DeNardo said.

The department decided to place the truck under surveillance Monday night as it sat inside a garage.

Four detectives -- Lt. Paul Cox, Joe Kepfer, Robert O"Neal and James Burch -- volunteered, took up strategic positions inside and outside the police department and set up video equipment.

Corr went immediately to his truck and began removing bags of marijuana from one of the side panels.

"The officers waited for them to tear into the truck. (The suspects) got what they were looking for, proceeded to leave and that's when the officers stopped them," DeNardo said.

Corr was apprehended within seconds. Phillips fled, but O"Neal captured him within a few minutes.

Corr has been charged with burglary, tampering with evidence and possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell or deliver, DeNardo said. Phillips has been charged with burglary.

"Additional charges may be forthcoming," DeNardo said. With a string of felony charges pending, Corr was denied bond and remained in jail Tuesday. Phillips was released on bond later Tuesday

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

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10th Dec, 2010 - 9:00am / Post ID: #

Things Strangest The Criminals

Get in...Get in!

Wow...robbing that bank was so easy. We should have done this long ago. Just hand her the note and watch the money fill the bag. What were we scared of all this time?

It was that easy? Just gave you the money. ALRIGHT! We just got to get back to the house figure out what we are going to do with it. How much did we get?

Opens bag...

What is this thing?

Looks like one of those dye bombs that they put on expensive clothing.

You think they want us to stain the money?

Probably want to stain us with it. When we get back, thow it against the wall and break it. Forget that stupid thing...count how much we got.... are, two, three...

Arrive to home after hard day of theft

Nice...$1370...we are gonna have to do this more often! Where you wanna eat tonight partner?

Splurge...let's go to Friday's. Hey, what you wanna do with this thing.

I told you. Go out in the garage and throw it against the wall. Lets blow it up before it blows up on us.


Hey...this thing isn't breaking. I am not sure it is a dye bomb. Get out here and look at this thing...there is no dye.

Did you stomp on it? Step back. Let me crush this thing. are right. Doesnt look like dye. Ummm...what do you think it is?

What if it is one of those things that tells someone where we are?

OMG...hide that thing. I am gonna check the internet and see if I can find a picture of a tracking device.

OK...I know where to put it!

One goes to the goes to hide the tracking device under the floor mats of her car...and a little later....several cops arrive...find money and a search for tracking device on the computer.

Genius ... Pure Genius!

The Smoking Gun

international QUOTE
Brittney Sykes and Emma Westhusing had been talking about robbing a bank for about a month when the duo allegedly pulled a heist Monday at an Oregon credit union.

The weapon-free robbery netted them $1370--for 20 minutes, at least.

The novice criminals--Sykes, 23, handed the teller a note, while Westhusing, 19, drove the getaway car--were almost immediately undone by a tracking device that the teller placed among the 48 bills she forked over. An amusing U.S. District Court affidavit describes what happened when the duo found the suspicious device when they returned to Sykes's house to count the loot.

Sykes (pictured above left) told investigators that she "went to a computer and searched the Internet to figure out what the device might be." Panicking and assuming that the pair would be busted, Sykes "ran out to her car and hid the device." It is unclear why she did not try to dispose of it somewhere besides underneath the driver's side floor mat in her purple Hyundai Accent.

For her part, Westhusing said that when the tracking device was discovered, Sykes thought it was a dye bomb, 'so she threw it against the wall." Her cohort, she added, 'then stomped on it, and then looked up what it was on the Internet."

While the pair was busy Googling ("bank robbery tracking device," presumably), Oregon cops were following a GPS signal to Sykes's Portland residence. The women were arrested on a federal bank robbery charge.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

14th Dec, 2010 - 9:15am / Post ID: #

Criminals Do The Strangest Things History & Civil Business Politics

Dude...I am so wasted.

Me too bout we go bust into a store and boost some goods, Dude?

Righteous idea Dude! Let's go bump that store over there...

Yeah, Free Store...appropriately named...everything will be free for us! ahahhahahahhahah

Whoa...Dude...before we go scooting, better finish off our brewskis! Bottoms up!

international QUOTE
Thieves target Edmonton free store
The owner of an unusual Edmonton store is scratching his head after two men broke in earlier this week to steal things.

Why break in, the owner asks, when everything in the store is free?

The Free Store, located near 84th Street and 118th Avenue, opened earlier this year. People pay a $2 fee to drop off unwanted items, and store customers can take whatever they want for free.

Co-owner Brandon Tyson came into the store on Thursday night and found two men inside. They'd kicked out the front window, leaving a lot of glass to clean up.

"For the most part, being a free store, we wouldn't expect someone to come and rob us because they can come back and get it all free the next day," Tyson said. "But I guess apparently some people do."

Tyson chased the two would-be thieves out of the store, caught one of them and called the police. He said the men were drunk.

Tyson said the entire incident was bizarre.

"We are a free store," he said. "We give absolutely everything we have here completely free back to the community as a way to help keep these resources out of the landfill.

"So it's really funny. It's actually been a joke of ours - to actually have somebody break in here and steal from the free store."

It wasn't known if charges were laid.

You just knew that alcohol had to be involved! However, I am wondering why you have to lock up a free store.

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 14th Dec, 2010 - 9:18am

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

14th Dec, 2010 - 4:42pm / Post ID: #

Page 12 Things Strangest The Criminals

Vincenzo, without some of our friends getting angry... Since this happened in Canada, is it safe to assume they were Canadians? laugh.gif Ouch, I know!

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 43 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4.3%

15th Dec, 2010 - 7:11am / Post ID: #

Things Strangest The Criminals

Just goes to show that every country has a few dim bulbs and that the US doesnt have a monopoly on it!

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

19th Dec, 2010 - 8:15pm / Post ID: #

Criminals Do The Strangest Things

Are all of these posts really real or is it like one of those blog sites that just makes up things that seem true but really aren't because I can't believe people can be that stupid.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 23 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 2.3%

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20th Dec, 2010 - 1:19am / Post ID: #

Criminals The Strangest Things - Page 12

No...these are actual and true stories of the idiocy that is around us. It is amazing isn't it and typically alcohol fueled. Now typically I am adding my comments before the actual story of how I can invision the way the whole thing went down, but the story I attach is actually true.

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 20th Dec, 2010 - 1:22am

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

Post Date: 14th Jan, 2011 - 11:41pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Criminals The Strangest Things Politics Business Civil & History - Page 12

Accused shoplifter flees, leaving kids behind

Child, Youth and Family are appalled at the behaviour of a Wellington mother who abandoned her three young children after being confronted by staff for allegedly shoplifting at a Taupo supermarket. Ref. Source 5

> TOPIC: Criminals Do The Strangest Things


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