Name: James
Comments: T&T elections are a joke. People vote according to race rather than real issues. I don't know if the runoff idea will work but for me regardless to who wins the corruption and lack of representation will be the same.
You all will see the PNM in government by the time the next election is over. Remember the only reason the PP is in power is because parties formed a coalition. The PNM has never had to do this but maybe that will change slightly as political times also change.
All this bacchanal with Wade Mark, the AG and allegations of corruption is the pre-attack on the government because we are in an election year. Do not let all the commotion fool you. We have a very strong PM.
The PM may be strong but from history to date she has been changing around her cabinet so often that it seems like its not that strong.
You should look at the changes as a positive move and not a negative. Your house has to be cleaned ever so often. No one should stay in a position if they are not functioning properly just because they were put there.
I agree with UNC but the thing that I think PNM is getting at is the speed at which it is done. Get the right person for the right job. Government should not be used as a testing field.