A lady got up and in here testimony said something about she couldn't figure out why Satan would do what he does, doesn't Satan love others?
That sparked my mind to start thinking about! Does Satan feel or express Love.
My first thought is no way! Satan wouldn't love anybody. Then I thought about how high of ranking Satan got in the pre-mortal life. I have to believe that Satan at least to some level loved others around Him. I don't think anybody could get to as high of ranking as Satan did with out having some form of love for others.
Then I was like doesn't Satan love those that follow him? That is where this gets kind of confusing. I do believe to some extent Satan loves himself! But does he love those that follow him? I mean when Satan was trying to get followers to follow his version of the plan of salvation, did he actually do it out of love for the others. I believe his first motive was for his own glory, but did he care or love the other spirits enough to be willing to stand up for his plan? Did he Love them enough that he felt that his plan was better for Heavenly Father's children?
That part is a maybe. But those that he tries to get to follow him now, I can't see him love those people. The reason is, to have love you want the best for that person. I don't know if I see Satan wanting the best for those that follow him. I think even Satan has to know that his path well fail and that if he did love those that he tempted he would not tempt them in the first place? Unless Satan truly believes his path is better. I don't think he does.
Thats why I wonder if Satan has just a little love in him? I tried to look it up in the bible dictionary, but love isn't in there. What do you think?
Image for illustration only.
Mormon Doctrine: Can San Satan Love? (Hover)
While in the pre-existence, Satan was Lucifer...when he was KICKED OUT of heaven, he BECAME Satan, the father of all lies. Two different things. Therefore, the way he was THEN and the way he was AFTER he was kicked out is different.
The person giving the testimony wasn't focusing on Satan. I'm going to assume your comments were directed towards me for taking time to ponder such a topic.
The idea in had is figure out what is Satan's motivation. Once I better understand Satan's tricks, I can better prepare myself against them. The spirit prompts many things.
There are many kinds of love, if we are talking about the pure love that only comes from God, No, Satan cannot love. If we are talking about affection towards others and and personal belonging or worldly things, than Yes, he can love.
Sue is right, Satan loves the fact that he has control over so many, and also loves making others miserable like unto himself.
But for the reason this topic was started and based upon, No, Satan does not love the children of men or God's elect. In fact he hates us, because we did not side with him in the pre-mortal life; and his whole purpose being down here is to cause opposition towards God.
Satan did once possess the pure love of Christ, and was an archangel at one time, but just like when many fall away from the church they are stripped of what they once had, so Satan was stripped of that love he once felt.
The scriptures say:
Name: Saint
Comments: We don't really know enough concerning pre-existance to answer the question on whether Lucifer was able to love. What we can speculate on is that he shared similar emotional attributes to all the other spirit children in preexistence. What's important to focus on though is not whether he loved, but that he had intelligence, just as we all did, and used that attribute to come into open rebellion. A better term to use is that he did not love, but lusted, or coveted for the glory of God even in Pre-existence! So he showed forth those attributes in Pre-existence even! After he was cast out, with those that surely came out in open rebellion also, perhaps some in beguilement, his state of Lust and Coveting only continued. Satan does not love, he Lusts. He Lusts for power, for prestige, for worship, he lusts for us all to be in the same condition that he is in. That does not say love to me, but wreaks of hate, selfishness, delusion, and rebellion.
Lets not be fooled by thoughts of empathy for the Father of Lies. When we reach the other side, and perhaps have a fuller understanding of the our pre-mortal existence and what happened there, in fullness, we may be able to entertain other notions. But for here, for this world, lets us stand fast and guard ourselves against any thoughts that paint an sympathetic picture of the character of the adversary.