When someone who isn't worthy to hold the Priesthood ordains another person to an office within the Priesthood or baptize someone why doesn't the ordinance needs to be redone? Doctrine and Covenants speak about the lost of the Priesthood when someone isn't worthy. So what is the reasoning behind it?
Tough question. Some people seem to think we don't need it however that scripture in doctrine and covenants seem to contradict that trend of thought.
Is there such a thing as a truly "worthy" Priesthood leader? I know for a fact that I do things that probably make the Lord quite angry. I guess we need to find out the measure of such worthiness.
Well, first, when a PH holder is not worthy, they lose priesthood power. (That is a topic in itself) But let me ask this: I am 18 years old and was just converted to the LDS church and asked my longtime LDS friend John to baptize me and Elder .. To confirm me, and let's say that my buddy John got into some heavy petting with his girl friend two hours before but performs the baptism anyway. Would that mean that my baptism is not recognized and accepted by the Lord? I would go though life really not baptized acceptably in the eyes of God? What about your sealing? Was he OK/worthy? Should we have a quick interview to make sure? Did we really receive the priesthood? No matter what we do, once the priesthood is properly conferred, we have the priesthood. When we then go through the ordination motions the Lord will ratify if the recipient is ready and worthy. In my opinion.