In Character: Assassin examines his rope curiously.
"Why is it warm? Is that the beam?"
He then takes a bit of his hair and cuts it.
"Let's see what it does to this."
After seeing what happens to Assassin's hair Krusten puts her best sarcastic face and with wide eyes says to Shifter, "See?!"
She then tries to think how to pass the beam without getting burned. She asks Assassin if he will try that again but this time wrap the hair in something.
Assassin nods in agreement with Krusten, "Good idea..." He says while looking for something to carry out the new experiment.
"Darn it" Says Assassin disappointed that he was unable to fool the beam. "We are really stuck here if we can't figure out how to escape. Maybe we are looking in the wrong place?"
We have to find a control panel whether it is hidden or not in order to deactivate the door. Where it is I do not know. But I do know if I was to capture and hold someone it would not be in the same room as the cell.
Edited: KNtoran on 13th Jan, 2015 - 10:41pm