Joseph Delivered Jesus?
Did Joseph deliver Jesus when Mary was in labor or did he have help?
I guess we will never know for sure. To me it is obvious some some one was checking to see if the head was coming out and if the umbilical cord was wrapped around Jesus's neck. So I would say yes he was very likely her helper. After all I am sure he aided many ewes in his past.
I would have to agree that this is pure speculation as there is nothing in the scriptures that talks about it but I agree with Krakyn that it seems that Joseph would of at least been a major part of it--especially if they were in the stable areas with animals. I wonder though if he would have gone for a mid-wife type person in the city when she was needed?
I believe that many a men helped in these type of situations. Back then if you could not afford a midwife then the husband who probably helped the birth of sheep, goats, cattle and other animals would be perfectly capable of assisting their wives birth a child.
There is a book called "The apocryphal Jesus: Legends of the Early Church" that gives an interesting view on who delivered Jesus. A woman named Salome (not the same one from the Bible). Some early paintings about it:
Shamed as well! If you find anything online, would you post a link about it please? I am going to try and research it as well.
I had never heard of this before. That is what is so great about the forum--other people have knowledge and can share it!