Atwell's Educational Institute
What are your reviews for the school known as Atwell's Educational Institute?
If you have attended Atwell's Educational Institute then please tell us what you consider to be the pros and cons of attending this school as well as their current facilities.
Anything else you feel a prospective student / parent thinking about being part of this school might like to know about Atwell's Educational Institute?
Name: Xiaoyu
Title: Atwell's EduInst T&T
Comments: I attended Atwell's and it's a great school. Actually, it's family owned. As a child, I remember feeling that my "Missy" As we called teachers there, was always willing to really listen to me. The staff really cares about the children. That was something that was a real shock for me when I got to high school.
They offer lots of activities, sporting and academic. Many of us have won scholarships. I think a large part of my drive, even now as an adult, is because from a young age (I started at Atwell's at 3) I was taught not to accept anything but excellence, through hard work.
I have always been proud to say that I am and Atwell's past student.
As for getting enrolled... I think it is only by recommendation, but they have a website Source 2 and a FB account that you check for more info.