Huntsville schools say call from NSA led to monitoring students online:
A secret program to monitor students' online activities began quietly in Huntsville schools, following a phone call from the NSA, school officials say. Huntsville City Schools began scanning Facebook and other sites for signs of gang activity, watching for photos of guns, photos of gang signs and threats of violence. Ref. Source 6
And we all thought big brother would not look at facebook or any other social media site. I like how the NSA denies talking to anyone but yet someone had to have gotten a call to start a process where a student was found out and expelled from school. Programs such as SAFe I think are a way to further infringe on peoples rights to privacy but everyone should know that if you are on social media then you should know you are not in a private place and you can be seen and what you post can be used against you.
I've always been rather amused about people complaining about spy programs and the like while spilling every detail of their lives on facebook and twitter. Its tough to complain about someone prying when you're doing the digital equivalent of standing on a corner with a megaphone. Edited: daishain on 22nd Feb, 2017 - 8:32pm