Richard Matheson
What is your review for the writings of: Richard Matheson.
Other details about this novelist**: Richard Matheson (born 1926), I Am Legend.
**Novel defined: extended work of fiction including short stories.
I first learned about Richard Matheson from a Graphic Novel adapting two short stories, the first one was "Throttle", by Stephen King, and his son Joe Hill. It is a re-telling of the second short story "Duel", the two stories were good enough for me to look up Richard Matheson at my local library. I then read the original "Duel" Story in the book with the same name. I also watched some movies, that I checked out from the library, that were based on some of his books, they were interesting, especially the different movies based on the same book, and how each one had a different interpretation for how the story should be seen. For an example, there were three different movies based on "I am Legend", all with different titles. I now will be reading more Richard Matheson books, since he's good, doesn't swear much, and has inspired others, like Stephen King in the craft of writing Horror stories.
Edited: haleray on 30th Sep, 2014 - 3:17am