I actually found this place "Googling" Arround the web. I love playing Dungeons & Dragons as well as other table top games. Been Dungeon Mastering regularly on Roll20, but wanted to look into getting into a forum post, text based Dungeons & Dragons game. Something I could play during downtime at work (I know too nerdy) .
Anyway, I guess I need to introduce myself before checking out what's going on, so here it is.
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Role-Player
Greetings noble. We be looking' fer mature minded DEDICATED players, be ye the one that fits this description?
We hope yer not just passing through trying to cause a ruckus, so do make sure to read the following enchanted message: Constructive Posting Policy, in this way ye be knowing the wishes of the mages and scribes.
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post ye can start playing forthwith, just use the easy: D&D Start Guide
For Pathfinder check the [+] Member Wars Role-playing Game Board where all the Member managed Role-playing Games are located.
This is a good guide to understanding Role-playing Games here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
Other Medieval Related Role-Playing Games
[+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Text MMORPG
Dungeons & Dragons is NOT the only genre here. For other Role-playing Game genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based Role-Playing Games
Thank you for the quick replies everyone.
Thank you for the helpful information.
I certainly would not be expending the amount of energy it took to post here "Just to cause a ruckus"; that would be sad. Rest at ease good sir, I am here for fun! (And treasure, there's always treasure).
Thank you for the follow up here. No harm done. Appreciate your help.
I have to head out now, but looking forward to participating during the week.
Hello. Welcome to the forum! What sort of Role-playing Games are you interested in--just Dungeons & Dragons or would you consider a more future-based setting?
The core Role-playing Games of this site require at least 30 consecutive posts for each core Role-playing Game you would like to join. You will also need to maintain an ACTIVITY: 75% or higher to keep the RPGer status.
I would advise against joining any of the core Role-playing Games if you have any vacations planned because core Role-playing Games usually require one post every two days once the Role-playing Game begins, and, if you go too long without posting, your character will die and you will lose your RPGer status and won't be able to get it back unless you donate to the site.
However, if you are only interested in Dungeons & Dragons, then you can do that in the Member Wars section as soon as you want. RPGer status is not a requirement for that RP.