They say a man's home is his castle. Given recent stories about home invasions, however, some people must feel tempted to dig a mote and hang buckets of boiling oil above their doors. All those silly "home defense" tricks from the movie "Home Alone" suddenly don't seem so far-fetched.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...21311%2C00.html
My philosophy is that it is good to take certain precautions such as locking doors and windows but I won't lose sleep or stress out about possible home invasion, because then I am subjecting myself and my family to undue stress and fear. Other than what I mentioned above, I do keep a bat in the living room closet, but my hope is that I never have to use it. I am fortunate enough to live in a small MidWest town, where crime is at a much lower rate than the big cities and communities look out for each other. When I moved from Orlando, which has over 1 million people, I had already developed habits such as always locking doors, closing garages and securing windows. People here are not as paranoid about security. My neighbors will leave their garage door wide open at night, and I doubt they even lock their car doors at all. While I am not as trusting yet, I do appreciate not having to worry about it as much as if I lived in a larger city.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
The only two times my home has been invaded, is by vermin. A rat and a bat, it only takes a swipe from a katana to bring my family to safety. The bat was harder to get than the rat was. Well I guess I could explain it to you guys. For the bat, it was in the middle of the night and I didn't have time to turn on the light and it was in my daughters room. The first thing I thought was to grab my sword and it took one slice and it fell to the ground. The rat was a little bit different, it was outside my house and being weird like my girl was at the time, she decided to not wear shoes and a rat scurried over her feet and she screamed and ran inside to tell me and I came out, of course with my sword, and it took a little bit but I still got it. The funny thing is I didn't get with my sword, but I did step on it. I know it sounds a little brutal but I was defending my family.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 1 0.1%
A lot of people don't think about it but they should also secure their gable vents. Most people don't have motion detectors in their attic. The gable vent can be ripped off. The invader can go to where you sleep and simply go through the ceiling (weak half inch sheetrock) right over your bed.
Also some of the new houses just have foam board instead of plywood on the side of houses. A person of average strength can rip through the vinyl and foam and be in your house in about 5 minutes.
I wont say anymore. Don't want to give anybody any ideas.
This is not something I would worry about. I would take more time to make sure my home was secure in other areas. See this thread Source 6
The reason I would not worry about the gable opening is because many houses it can not be reached unless you have a ladder. Second it takes a lot of time and effort to rip the house open enough to get in. That produces noise and debris that is hard to hide.
Very true klar only a person bent on revenge is going to take such drastic measures in which case they are just going to enter through a window noise or not.
I feel pretty secure in our neighbor hood, but I lock up at night. I try to ensure decent locks and latches are maintained and an looking into motion detectors though my back gate is locked and we have a street light at the front of my house.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
I never would say I am safe from home invasion or would I say I do not have enemies. I know for fact there are those who would love to find me. I keep my family as safe as I can by not having my name in the phone book. I also do not tell my true location on the computer or give out my real name unless I trust you enough. JB I believe knows my real name but he is the only one on this site.
Home security is something that everyone should take seriously. The best you can hope for is to cause the would be thief to feel uncomfortable while wanting to break in. If they have to take too long or cause too much noise they may move to another place.
Nothing is fool proof. If someone wants something that they know you have they will get in and out as fast as possible and care less how messy they are about it.