Name: Stephen
Comments: I am replying to the request to review the Peru Lima East Mission (Misión Perú Lima Este).
This is a great mission, historically (it has been one of the top baptising missions in the world and still ranks high), geographically (it has the highest stake in the world--Cerro de Pasco, and has the greatest variation in altitude require to travel through the mission, with extremes of sea level and of 15,800 feet above sea level, and it includes desert, mountain, and jungle areas), economically (it's an inexpensive mission--for couple missionaries, and the Peru economy is booming as of this post on 13 December 2008), and spiritually (the Lima Peru Temple is in this mission, the Missionary Training Center is also within the mission boundaries, there are numerous chapels, stakes, and two districts).
For more information, visit my mission blog, Source 7
¡Que Dios te bendiga!