Sierra Leone Ebola Virus
What are the statistics for the Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone? When someone is infected what kind of Sierra Leone medical care is available to treat the Ebola Virus?
'Entire villages disappeared': Ebola deaths in Sierra Leone 'underreported':
Ebola's toll on Sierra Leone is much greater than previously thought, with entire villages killed off by the virus. This means up to 20,000 people could have succumbed to the disease by now, a senior coordinator for Doctors Without Borders (MSF) believes. Ref. ICH
Ebola virus: New case emerges in Sierra Leone:
The country was declared free of the virus on 7 November, and the region as a whole was cleared when Liberia was pronounced Ebola-free on Thursday. Tests on a person who died in northern Sierra Leone proved positive, an Ebola test centre spokesman told the BBC. Ref. Source 3f.