Terror Rises And The Reason Is...

Terror Rises Reason Is - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 8th Jul, 2007 - 9:43pm

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Posts: 19 - Views: 3733
Poll: Terrorism Has Risen Globally Because Of... (chose the answer closest to yours - no poll can please everyone)
  Osama Bin Laden 9/11       20.00%
  The Invasion of Afghanistan       0.00%
  The Invasion of Iraq       0.00%
  Iran Encouraging Attacks       0.00%
  Syria Encouraging Iraqs       0.00%
  President George Bush's Decisions in General       20.00%
  Former President Bill Clinton Not Stopping It During His Term       0.00%
  No Particular Reason - The World Is Just Evil       13.33%
  Terrorism Rising Globally Is A Myth       20.00%
  United Nation Sanctions       0.00%
  Lack of Support From Europe       0.00%
  Islamist Clerics Encouraging Hate       20.00%
  An Increased Hatred of Israel & Those Who Support Her       0.00%
  It Is All Just Media Hype       6.67%
Total Votes: 15
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First of all let me make it CLEAR that this Thread is NOT about Iraq, or 9/11 or Bush as individual Topics as we already have Threads covering those. This Thread is about what really has caused Terror to rise? One study suggests it has gone up by as much as 600%?
23rd Feb, 2007 - 9:47pm / Post ID: #

Terror Rises And The Reason Is...

Terror Rises And The Reason Is...

First of all let me make it CLEAR that this Thread is NOT about Iraq, or 9/11 or Bush as individual Topics as we already have Threads covering those. This Thread is about what really has caused Terror to rise?

For me I believe that 9/11 gave terrorists (specifically radical Islamists) greater courage to conduct attacks. I believe that secondly the invasion of Afghanistan first and then Iraq third are slight contributors, but not major by any means... as the Islamists were already primed and ready to go after 9/11. What is your view?

The Iraq Effect: New Study Finds 600% Rise in Terrorism Since US Invasion of Iraq

As the fourth anniversary of the Iraq approaches, a new study by Mother Jones magazine has found that the number of fatal terrorist attacks has increased by over 600 percent since the U.S. invasion. We speak with the study¹s co-author, Paul Cruickshank.
Ref. Read more

Terror Rises And The Reason Is...
Terror Rises And The Reason Is... (Hover)

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3242 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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24th Feb, 2007 - 3:04am / Post ID: #

Is Reason The Rises Terror

In my opinion, terrorism has been on the rise for decades, and what we're seeing now is basically a snowball effect - the more successful attacks there are, the more attacks will be attempted. One of the statements made in the transcript is to clarify that terrorism is, by definition, attacks on civilians. The majority of these attacks are on their own home soil, or in neighboring countries.

And still, there isn't any reasoning or negotiating with these terrorists. They don't want anything (other than the world to convert to Islam, which isn't going to happen) that can be negotiated for, nothing can be resolved diplomatically. They are evil incarnate, and it will not stop.

I'm sure that the 9/11 attacks and subsequent military actions have emboldened terrorist leaders, as well as provided plenty of new recruits. I don't see any way that it will end, even if the US and other allied countries removed all military forces from the Middle East and other Muslim areas altogether.

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

27th Feb, 2007 - 2:35am / Post ID: #

Terror Rises And The Reason Is... History & Civil Business Politics

I believe that terrorism is getting a lot more press than it has in the past. Much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is terrorism.

Rather off topic, but...
Rome terrorized basically everyone in the world during her reign supreme and there were many deaths to prove it. Gengis Khan was also a fair terrorist in his own right. As England was roming the world gathering up territories, I think some may have viewed the anglo advance as terrorism. Hilter and the SS were a bit terroristic themselves in the treatment of the jewish civilian population. That brings a interesting question of Stalin...was he an internal terrorist (lots of population targeted for death)? So what is the difference between a brutal dictator and a terrorist? In the US during the late 60's and 70's, there were several homegrown terrorist organizations (Black Panthers, The Weathermen, KKK...) that actually attacked the civilian population to get their point across. The IRA was also the most active during that time frame. Acts of genocide have happened repeatedly throughout history. I am sure that there are a few civilians in Germany and Japan that would consider the firebombing of their cities during the war a act of terrorism as the population was definitely targetted.

Personally, I believe that the war in Iraq and its continuance put terrorism on the front page nearly everyday. We are told each day how many soldiers died and in many cases it is explained how they died. Give to me another war where this happened... We are told that Iraq is actually in a civil war now, so are the acts of one group against the other terrorism or is it just war?

Information today flows from one part of the globe to the other with the pressing of a send button. Ordinary people have been turned into quasi-journalist with each new blog. I really don't see more terrorism, but rather a better accounting of the terrorism that is going on today.

Reconcile Message Edited...
Persephone: Please use the Offtopic Tags so that the Thread maintains the same subject matter and does not develop into another Topic.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

27th Feb, 2007 - 2:54am / Post ID: #

Is Reason The Rises Terror

I added your take to the poll with "It Is All Just Media Hype" as an option. I do think the Iraq war is exaggerated with the reporting of each soldier, BUT at the same time you must agree that attacks on civilians happen everyday there! It is not just the soldiers. HOWEVER, let us NOT get into Iraq. This is about the general rise and not one specific country.

Now I do feel we are getting better media coverage, but that happened decades ago (better media coverage) as satellite or spotting reporters in many countries is not a now thing. I feel terrorism is on the rise because they 'can', and who is going to stop them? The more there are success stories of civilians being blown up the more the cult grows.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3242 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

27th Feb, 2007 - 3:29am / Post ID: #

Is Reason The Rises Terror

The media is even faster than it was a few decades before. The media now includes weekend journalist and cameramen that put stories on the internet immediately after or during the conflict. Al-Jezzara and the internet at large make heroes out of hooded bandits that slice the heads off their captives. Censorship from the organized media and government is becoming even more difficult in todays world. I wouldn't call it actually hype, but rather almost unlimited and nearly instantaneous news sourcing of events around the globe. I can plug in my computer and get information that I would never have been able to get a hold of otherwise with out great effort on my part. It is all at my fingertips. This website is a good example of the information that I can get quickly without a lot of effort on my part.

Rather off topic, but...
Again, it is my opinion, but if there was no war (US Lead, Multi-Country) in Iraq. We would hear very little about all the civilian attacks. That doesn't mean that they didn't or wouldn't happen, but that we would not really hear about it as much. Before the Israel invasion of Lebannon, hardly anyone heard of all the missles that were routinely launched into Israel from Lebannon. People/civilians died there...

Although I disagree with the idea that terrorism has increased, if we were to assume it has, your point that there is no one to stop them is valid. I have said it on other threads that in order to change a culture, you must absolutely destroy it. The last time this was done successfully on a large scale was Japan and to an extent Germany after WWII. No one today, in this modernized and humane world, has the willpower or stomach required to kill all those necessary to enact the change required to eliminate the terrorism today from the middle east. This would be one reason that their is less of a fear of being called a terrorist today.

Plus, today, terrorist are people that you get to see on TV. They are stars in their own right. The put together videos for us to watch. They are iconic. The destruction that they cause is shown to EVERYONE, so there probably a sense of can you top that between them. If I think if it in terms of regular tv programming, it is the age old successful story of Samson and Goliath being played out routinely. The poor little terrorist attacking the giant over confident monster. Always been a hit show and always will be a hit.

Finally, as a group, humans have become much more efficient at killing each other in fashions that do not require hand to hand combat. RPG's, bombs, missles and guns have allowed us to kill each other from a far with less personal contact with our victims. This detachment with the dead would certainly allow for more killing with less guilty feelings.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

2nd Mar, 2007 - 11:06am / Post ID: #

Terror Rises And The Reason Is...

I totally disagree with the assumption that 9/11 spawned a mass wave of terrorism. It certainly would have emboldened some Islamic fundamentalists and give the relatively unorganised and extremely over-hyped "Al Quaeda" some media attention. In fact, you could argue Sept 11 was used by the US and Coalition of lackeys to wreak terrorism on people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

This report only mentions "Jihadist terrorism".

What exactly is "Jihadist terrorism"? Is that terrorism that the West assumes is for religious reason? Is that terrorism that is committed by Muslims for any reason? Is that terrorism committed by Arab looking people? It's a strange broad term that I don't quite understand.

Unfortunately what this report fails to do is look at all types of terrorism. Terrorism occurs daily in most parts of the world. Look at Africa, South America etc. In fact, I would guess that there is more terrorism that happens in Africa on a daily basis than Iraq, despite the high death tolls occurring in the Middle East.

You just never hear about it because the US has relatively small interests in Africa but large geo-political interests in the Middle East. The media you all consume only cares about US interests, not about terrorism per se. It will cover what will provide the biggest ratings and unfortunately that isn't the conflict in Darfur.

I don't know if the incidence of terrorism world-wide has increased or not. It appears to have done so in the Middle East, but that is one small area. It certainly hasn't in London. We all seem to forget that it is only the past 10 years or so London hasn't been a consistent target of the IRA, who wreaked far more terror in that city than any of the Al-Quaeda wannabees have recently. When I moved to London I was amazed that they didn't have any bins in their underground system. I assumes this was because of the London bombings. I was wrong. It's a legacy of the IRA days.

What about all the US and western-backed terrorists and terrorist states? What were the northern alliance in Afghanistan? The US was on the negotiating table with the Taliban before Sept 11.

We know that the foolish US invasion, not 9/11, is responsible for the escalation of violence in Iraq. But to label all of this "Jihadist terrorism" is wrong as there is a lot of it is sectarian violence not committed in the name of Allah, rather because there is a power vacuum and no security.

Furthermore, I don't believe for one second these fundamentalists are trying to covert the world into Islam. Sure, they might try to do this with a few troubled states like Afghanistan, but they certainly haven't been doing this in the West. They also aren't foolish enough to believe they can succeed.

It is my opinion that terrorism is spawned through oppression. If you have foreign forces who come into a country, do as they please, take all the resources, install dictatorships, prop up coups for their own self interests etc, then you will get a generation of people who will be resentful towards the foreign forces. Look at Iran, the West completely screwed over that country which lead to an Islamic revolution and now we wonder why they hate the US?

The only way to destroy terrorism is by removing the cause of terrorism. It can never be defeated through more violence. The US knows that if it changed its foreign policy and tried to forge meaningful relationships with Middle East nations, instead of hostility, it will have a massive effect on terrorism. But the hawks in Washington don't want terrorism to end. Since they arrived in office, terrorism has been their justification to invade the Middle East and change the political landscape of a region they clearly want to influence. It gives them a reliable excuse that people believe to do whatever they want in other people's land.

International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 ActivistPoliticianNegotiator 45.3%

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2nd Mar, 2007 - 1:00pm / Post ID: #

Terror Rises The Reason Is...

I do not believe for a second that 9/11 caused a wave of terrorism or that terrorists felt somehow more "brave" after that tragedy. Terrorism have been going on for years before 9/11, yet some Media have not covered the issue as they should have done simply because it was not affecting US soil. Argentina went through two horrible terrorists attacks on the 90's, we hear of terrorists attacks happening daily in some countries in Africa, Philippines, South America but the attitude has always been "well, that's common over there".

The truth is that there has been an increase of media reports on the matter caused by 9/11, not really an increase in terrorists acts per se.

After all, most news media people follow are US based and having an unfinished job in Afghanistan and another in Iraq, there is a need to "demonstrate" more than ever "terrorists attacks worldwide" (Hey, they need to justify these wars!) It seems like an increase but is not. It has been happening long years before 9/11.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 8th Jul, 2007 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Terror Rises The Reason Is... Politics Business Civil & History


Mind games. That's what terrorists like to play. In some ways, they are similar to the people who make the most suspenseful horror films. Not some of the recent ones that show everything in graphic detail, but the ones that make audiences exercise their imaginations.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,...96905,00.html

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