Newsletter - December 2014
Online User, please share what you know about:
* Girl Online
* Brain Cancer Scam
* Mentally Ill Woman Buries Her Newborn Baby Alive
* Bow & Arrow Technology
* Dr. Manuel Alvarado's Joke Costs Us$89,127.53
* Breck Bednar Murder Case - Dangers Of Online Games
* Passing On Web Administrating Knowledge
Its Christmas - Your Donation Counts!
Cosmetic Improvements
On all the full version Skins I have increased the size of the text for Posts so the reading is easier on the eyes. The same is true with the box you input your text.
Although it may not be readily apparent, I have also added some color, border, and layout changes to help each Skin be more uniform and efficient in the display of content without compromising the overall look.
We have been tweaking the Community's layout to make it easier to read and participate. Please check out the new look as you visit the Threads. The first thing you should notice is the bigger text that is well spaced so you can follow each line.
Also there are interesting Quotes and the History of the Day in ALL Threads.
CONTEST - want an easy 2000 forum points? Read more.
Please join in with your reply to any of the following or check more Topics - it's your participation that makes International Discussions grow.
Here is the latest being discussed in the Community today: 15 December, 2014:
* Why I Celebrate Christmas
* Mentally Ill Or Just Different?
* Kristina Pimenova - too young to model?
* University Of Virginia
* Gilbert Deya - Pastor Of The Devil
* Are Play By Post Or Text Role-Playing Games Dying?
Congrats to Mandy for winning the Christmas Contest.
We know everyone is busy with the season and end year activities however when you have time please take a peek at some of our Topics and give your input:
* The Interview
* Worst Sin Of All
* 8 Children Dead In Australia Home
* Russian Ruble vs. US Dollar
* Are Blacks More Likely To Commit Crime?
* Hardware Upgrade Goals 2015
* Princess Cristina - Infanta Cristina Of Spain
* How China Deals With Cheaters (Requires Premium)