Games consoles 'not green enough'
Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are not producing 'green' enough consoles, says Greenpeace.
Ref. https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7407934.stm
The report found that the PS3 and 360 both contained "very high" levels of chemicals, called phthalates, which are used to "soften" flexible materials like wires and cable coatings. |
I wonder what else out there has these chemicals in coated cables or plastic hand held devices? Remote controls? the cable coming into your home. I think that greenpeace attacking just the gaming consoles can turn out to be a bigger thing.
Seems Sony is one manufacturer that has removed this from most of their products and is continuing in that vain so this is good!.
Here are some forms that manufactures are to have filled out so maybe asking the manufactures for a copy may help. But I bet you will have to Google each one you are interested in to find out Klar.