Greenpeace Against Game Consoles

Greenpeace Game Consoles - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 20th May, 2008 - 3:05pm

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Post Date: 20th May, 2008 - 12:33pm / Post ID: #

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Greenpeace Against Game Consoles

Games consoles 'not green enough'

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are not producing 'green' enough consoles, says Greenpeace.

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20th May, 2008 - 1:37pm / Post ID: #

Consoles Game Greenpeace


The report found that the PS3 and 360 both contained "very high" levels of chemicals, called phthalates, which are used to "soften" flexible materials like wires and cable coatings.

Interesting enough this is used in some sex toys so be wary on that also. The result of long term exposure is lever and testes damage. So jelly filled pleasure packs might be unwise.

It can be detected in ones urine sample if you should have any concerns and best to stay away from it.

Kinda scary considering the time frame so many children are allowed to play these games. Plastic wrap on the controllers will reduce that exposer in my opinion and might be wise if ye be seeking grandkids that do not have 4 arms and 2 heads.

Post Date: 20th May, 2008 - 1:45pm / Post ID: #

Greenpeace Against Game Consoles
A Friend

Greenpeace Against Game Consoles Gaming Video & Issues Computer

I wonder what else out there has these chemicals in coated cables or plastic hand held devices? Remote controls? the cable coming into your home. I think that greenpeace attacking just the gaming consoles can turn out to be a bigger thing.

20th May, 2008 - 2:21pm / Post ID: #

Consoles Game Greenpeace

I would agree KNtoran any flexible none toy plastic is likely part of this problem. I think in the games it would mostly be the flexible cable going to to the controller and the power cords.

Post Date: 20th May, 2008 - 2:48pm / Post ID: #

Greenpeace Against Game Consoles
A Friend

Consoles Game Greenpeace

My kids all have cordless game controls so they may be safe. My main concern is the shielded power cables on most everything electronic we have. Tvs, microwaves, cable boxes and dvd players to name a few. What are they made of?

20th May, 2008 - 3:05pm / Post ID: #

Greenpeace Against Game Consoles

Seems Sony is one manufacturer that has removed this from most of their products and is continuing in that vain so this is good!.

Here are some forms that manufactures are to have filled out so maybe asking the manufactures for a copy may help. But I bet you will have to Google each one you are interested in to find out Klar.

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