To Keep Up With Demand Charlie Hebdo Ups Print Run
The latest edition of Charlie Hebdo keeps flying off the shelves as soon as it arrives in stores, forcing the publisher to increase the latest print run to 7 million.
For magazines like Charlie Hebdo and its staff I want to ask, "Was it worth it?" People died that should not have died, and within days they continued their onslaught against religious icons to do nothing other than provoke. Do not misunderstand me, I believe in the freedom of speech and that the terrorists were cowards, but I'm just saying in this situation where Charlie Hebdo had passed threats and attacks wouldn't it have been wiser to stay away from certain material?
Glory, fame, the thrill of pushing the envelope chose one you might be correct. Might just be the love for the spot light or the feeling that it is their right and none will stop them. I personal am glad they did not bow down and give up. Yes they could pay for that with their lives but freedom is never free.
The real question is do we let an outside culture dictate to us how we act or talk. I personally think we fought in 42 to keep away foreign suppression and we will never stop fighting to maintain it.
If we cower and run in fear when do we stop running. Real question is were do we chose to stand and fight for our rights.
I have no problem standing up for your rights, my question mainly surrounds - is it worth it? In this case its just business its not like the Charlie Hebdo Magazine is a national representation of honor and integrity.
Russians outraged after Charlie Hebdo cartoons 'ridicule' Sinai plane crash:
Russians have reacted with anger after the French satirical magazine published caricatures of the Russian passenger aircraft crashing in Egypt. Social media in Russia has erupted in fury at the portrayal, with users condemning its publication by Charlie Hebdo. Ref. Source 8c