Designers and Dragons: The 90s
Now that you have read the book Designers and Dragons: The 90s by: Shannon Appelcline what is your review for it?
About Designers and Dragons: The 90s: Designers & Dragons: The '90s is a comprehensive picture of the heyday of the Role-playing Game industry. This 2nd edition expands the original single book into a series of four-beginning with the '70s and ending with the '00s-and we've added over 10,000 new words to this volume alone. In this volume, we profile an Role-playing Game titan-Wizards of the Coast-and cover the rise of storytelling Role-playing Game settings like White Wolf's World of Darkness. Regardless of your gaming background, Shannon Appelcline's meticulously researched history won't disappoint.
Illustration for Designers and Dragons: The 90s by: --
Designers And Dragons: The 90s (Hover)
Designers And Dragons: The 90s Highlights
A foreword by Peter Adkison, founder of Wizards of the Coast & owner of Gen Con
Profiles for 21 1990s gaming companies including Wizards of the Coast, White Wolf, and Atlas Games
The inside scoop behind games like Dungeons & Dragons 3e, Warhammer 40k, Ars Magica, and Wizards of the Coast
Ten things you might not know about roleplaying in the '90s
An extensive bibliography and index