Super Hero Symbols
Humans often need a symbol to represent a cause, they cannot seem to operate without it. Consider all the Super Hero Symbols you have seen from the 'S' on Superman's chest to the 'Bat' on Batman's belt buckle - Which symbol do you think is the most relevant to the cause or simply your favorite?
My favorite, hands down, is the 'S' on Superman's chest. It is unmistakable and instantly identifiable wherever it is used or seen. Shaquille O'Neal in the NBA is one of those who has used the 'S' ever since he joined the league. He has a tatoo of it on his arm.
What about the emblem of Punisher? It is a bit horrid, but seems to suit his personality well. I could really never relate to the Superman 'S', it seemed an unlikely symbol for an alien, in my opinion
I do like the Punisher symbol, in fact, I had it as a wallpaper on one of my work pc's. It's supposed to be dark and representative of revenge. As for Superman, I can't recall where I heard this, but it goes something like this. Superman is the only superhero who was born with his costume. He came to Earth wrapped in the Superman blanket; he was born Superman. All other superheros created a costume. Superman's costume is Clark Kent. Interesting if you think about it that way.
Anyone watching the Smallville series on WB? They seem to be making the effort of making the 'S' symbol of superman closer to being a part of the Kryptonian language. This kinda makes more sense for why the alien would choose it. Personally, I'm not sure which symbols are "best for the cause." It seems like most heroes choose a symbol indicative of themselves. I don't know of many, if at all, that choose something like a symbol of justice/goodness/righteousness or whatever. Superman's, though, is probably the most famous.
I like the symbol from the Man of Steel. That is to say, Steel, as in the one during the fake superman saga after he died. The giant steel 'S' was very cool to me. In fact, when superman became 'electric', the 'S' on him then was very cool too. There are just so many ways to make supermans emblem look cool.
Name: Gary
Comments: Out of all of the superheros I would think Captain America's star or Green Lanterns Symbol would be the best at representing their cause. Captain America's star represents the nation that he fights to defend. Green Lanterns symbol represents the corps and all that they stand for. Superman's S is his house emblem. Batman's bat is a bat. Spiderman's spider says hey I am a spider. The Punishers skull really doesn't represent vengance and justice does it? Most superhero symbols represent the superhero not the cause they stand for.
Name: Darthdrakos
Comments: the S on Superman's chest is the family crest of the "El's" thats why he has it on his chest.