Episcopal Divinity School Dean Gives Sermon Saying Abortion is a "Blessing"
Cambridge, MA (LifeNews.com) -- The new Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School has given a sermon describing abortions as a "Blessing" For the women who have them. The Rev Katherine Hancock Ragsdale also thinks that the people who run abortion businesses are "heroes" And even "Saints." Ragsdale, speaking in Birmingham, Alabama, said that "When a woman becomes pregnant within a loving, supportive, respectful relationship; has every option open to her; decides she does not wish to bear a child; and has access to a safe, affordable abortion - there is not a tragedy in sight - only blessing." She goes on to say, "When a woman wants a child but can't afford one because she hasn't the education necessary for a sustainable job, or access to health care, or day care, or adequate food, it is the abysmal priorities of our nation, the lack of social supports, the absence of justice that are the tragedies; the abortion is a blessing." In her speech, she tells the audience, "These are the two things I want you, please, to remember - abortion is a blessing and our work is not done. Let me hear you say it: abortion is a blessing and our work is not done." The announcement last month that Ragsdale was appointed as the sixth and newest president of the divinity school had pro-life Episcopalians shaking their heads. Her view that abortion is wonder shouldn't surprise, as she has been on the board of NARAL and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
I can't agree. Sex is a choice, and when you choose to have it, you assume a risk. If you become pregnant, you should have the baby. If you don't want it afterwords, than hand it over to someone who does. If you were raped, I can feel for you here. You did not make the choice to have sex, nor did you assume the risk, but we can't have everyone who doesn't want a baby calling 'rape' every time they want an abortion. So there would have to be some sort of process put into place for this scenario. Perhaps a rape charge must be filed and semen samples collected and tested against all possible mates, be them consensual or non, to determine if there actually was a rape. If there isn't anyone found or charged, or if someone is found and charged with rape I don't think I'd be too disappointed with the abortion. If there is a problem during pregnancy that risks the lives of the mother, or both the mother and the child, I would lean towards saving the mother, but it would have to be her choice if she is able to make it at that time.
I can not agree with you or the article. I feel that if one engages in sex then they have to willing to accept that fact they may become pregnant.
In the case of rape one should have the option of getting a abortion but that should be on a case by case decision. Telling women they can go around a accuse a guy of rape is not a good idea. Think of the guys who are falsely accused because some girl decided she needs an abortion but could only get it by saying she was raped. Now you have a guy that is on the sexual predator list for something that was consensual. This is wrong.
We need to educate the girls and boys to understand the only sure way of not getting pregnant is to not have sex.
Episcopal Priest Tells Christians to Support Building Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
The Episcopal Church is no stranger to supporting abortion and now an Episcopal priest in Louisiana is pushing a letter urging Christians to support building a new Planned Parenthood abortion business in New Orleans. Ref. Source 8 ws.com/2014/09/23/episcopal-priest-tells-christians-to-support-building-planned-parenthood-abortion-biz/