Gay or not to be gay?

Gay Gay - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 1st Aug, 2003 - 12:16am

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26th Jul, 2003 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #

Gay or not to be gay?

Recently there has been a lot of news coverage over something that has been going on for a long time. Men in clergy who are homosexuals. I am not sure what Hindu or Bhuddists think about it, I guess Muslims are not in agreement, but it seems that some of the Christian faith are mixed?

As usual I like how ABCNews Nightline puts it:

Let's get to the questions right away. If a priest vows to be celibate, does it matter if that priest is gay or straight? Is homosexuality a question of behavior or identity? Is it anyone else's business? And what happens if a priest comes out of the closet?

What are your thoughts?

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Post Date: 26th Jul, 2003 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Gay or not to be gay?
A Friend

gay to or Gay

I think that it does matter if the priest is gay.  I mean, even though they are supposed to be celibate they still shouldn't be gay.  It's a sin to be gay, isn't it?  So if it's a sin, wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the standards of a being a priest?  I always thought that a priest was supposed to be living a faithful, righteous life with GOD preaching, and teaching GOD's word.  It would appear that the priest would then be a hypocrite.  I mean it would be like a double standard or 'do as I say and not as I do'.  

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gays.  I just don't think that they should be in any kind of religious role (i.e. priest, or religious leader).  I think that if a priest was gay people should know.  I also think that if a priest was to come out of the closet after many years of service in the church, he should be excommunitcated.  There should be no middle ground.

28th Jul, 2003 - 2:05pm / Post ID: #

Gay or not to be gay? Beliefs Religious General

My firm belief is that anyone who questions this does not understand the Bible. Let me first of all clarify something. There is a difference between a thought and an action. For instance and for simplicity's sake... lets take the fact that a man can have improper thoughts about a woman, although a sin and improper by God, yet it is possible to repent and forsake it on one's own strength, however, to give fruit to the thought by actually doing it is something that requires intervention by others. The same is true if a priest had an improper thought about a woman or man and actually carrying it out. By extension I would say all of us are capable of falling under this condemnation. Just because one does not call himself a priest does not mean that God does not hold us for our actions. Nor are we to find the priest to be perfect.

A church split on gay inclusion
The Episcopal Church faces landmark decisions that could have a deep
effect on its global faith community. By Jane Lampman

28th Jul, 2003 - 2:42pm / Post ID: #

gay to or Gay

It's a sin to be gay, isn't it?

No, it's not a sin to be gay in my opinion. It is a sin if involves sexual relations. (and it happens in the same way with heterosexual people if they commit adultery or fornication). There are a lot of good people who have 'feelings' for people of the same sex and they struggle a lot to stay away from those thoughts and they live their lives trying to stop, some they can, some they cannot. If they break the chastity law then yes they're sinning, otherwise they're just dealing with thoughts and nobody can say they're sinning on that basis. Of course this is my personal view on the matter, not a religious opinion.
Also I agree with Mss that even though Priests are supposed to be celibate it doesn't mean they have to be gay. There are lots of people out there who live a celibate life without having to fall in homosexuality.

28th Jul, 2003 - 5:23pm / Post ID: #

gay to or Gay

No, it's not a sin to be gay in my opinion.

I would not agree with that. Since to 'be' is to act on... I think you are confussing the difference with thought and action. For instance if someone has 'feelings' towards the same sex, but see it as wrong and they are 'wrestling' with it then I do not think we can say that person is 'being' gay.  However if the person carries it out then it is 'being' that way, and thus they are gay. A thought not yet in action is not yet a way to be, HOWEVER let me be clear on this... thoughts that linger and that are encouraged by self IS SIN. Christ said this clearly... if a man looks upon a woman to lust after. The key is 'lust', it is more than simply a thought straying in your mind, it is something calculated to allow you to have 'feelings' and imaginations about something you should not.

Post Date: 30th Jul, 2003 - 4:30am / Post ID: #

Gay or not to be gay?
A Friend

Gay or not to be gay?

I believe this thing of being Gay or not, goes deeper than most people realize.  This world is controlled by two opposite forces.  Good and Evil.  The good of course comes from god.  And all who follow those things that come from god, move in the opposite direction from evil.  Homosexuality is totally evil, in that it breaks down all the things the Lord has given us to become like Him.  Husbands and wives and children form a nucelas(spelling) of a future kingdom in eternity.  I believe the more a person moves away from the Lord, the closer they get to Satan, and most generally become lovers of their own selves or of their own kind.(sex)  This applies to both men and women.  Perhaps this is when a person becomes most abominable to the Lord, as we see from the case of Sodom and Gamorah.  I think it is very difficult for a true homosexual to turn aside from his passions and return to the Lord, but it can be done!  But they must really want to change and be willing to receive help.  Just my thoughts.....Hugh

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30th Jul, 2003 - 3:37pm / Post ID: #

Gay or to gay

Oh boy, I think I got rebuked from JB and also from Whew lol . I'm just kidding guys, thanks for your inputs. I know what you mean Whew although I find it very hard to see how the Lord see all those people who are seriously struggling with homosexuality, they know it's wrong but they just do not know how to come back to the right path. I had many homosexual friends in Argentina, some even in the Church and some even were sexually abused by male relatives for years when they were children. sad.gif So to just judge these people like it's something from the devil, it is hard because I have seen their pain, their suffering and mostly I know they're not the direct cause of what they have become now. sad.gif I deeply feel sorry for them.
JB, for you 'to be gay' means to take it into action, for me if a person have strong feelings towards people of their own sex for long years, even though he may not take into actions his thoughts, he is gay in my opinion. Put the example of an heterosexual person who have been virgin all their lives, are you saying this person is not heterosexual just because he didn't take into action his thoughts?.

Post Date: 1st Aug, 2003 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

Gay or not to be gay?
A Friend

Gay or to gay General Religious Beliefs

There was a big case here recently about a man who was to become a Bishop (I think), however he was openly gay - but was celebate. There's bee huge debate over it with varying opinions on both sides. I'm not entirely sure what happened but he's isn't working for the chruch anymore - so i believe.

In my opinion I don't have a problem with priests etc being gay, and I certainly do not think it is a sin or evil. There are probably alot of gay priests who are not openly homosexual because they risk losing their jobs but people would say they do a good job. You're saying a gay priest would be going against the teachings of the bible but he would aslo be showing to people what it is all about. For example it says we should live our neighbour, and treat other people how we would like to be treated and about people being equal etc.

You're saying homosexual feelings are "bad thoughts" and they should try to clean their mind and not act upon these feelings, I disagree with this also. Sometimes you can't control how you feel or who you love and I don't think people choose to be gay that's the way they are - and God made them.

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