Can Ghosts Be Intimate?
Paranormal Related
Name: Dorian
Comments: Kind of a ridiculous question but can ghosts be intimate in any way?
Not a ridiculous question in any way.
A Sexually Active Ghost can visit the Living. This can be a very positive experience for some.
A s-xual Demon such as the Male Incubus or the Female Succubus can make an encounter very costly. They give and take your energy and also if legends are true, have procreational consequences.
Harkon, exactly what are we talking about here without going into details. I mean a ghost is inanimate so how can you have such an encounter with something that has no physical abilities?
Can have a s-xual Encounter with a Spirit or Being?
Greek gods have had according to Myth, s-xual relations with Mortal Women, they say that this is how Alexander the Great was conceived.
The Babylonian Goddess Lilith is said to have Vampiric s-xual Relations with Males.
The s-xual energy of Puberty has long been associated with raising Paranormal activity.
Some of the most Powerful Magic in many traditions is raised by s-xual working.
There is no doubt that the vail between Dimensions is thin when s-xual contact happens. The little deaths that we have can lift us to a hightend state of consciousness. There are many accounts of s-xual contact between the living and the apparent Ghost. While a Ghost has no body, it does have an energy field and a strong Aura.
I've seen such posts on other paranormal sites/forums, about intimate encounters with ghosts and such, so this, while not common, is not unheard of, and usually is reported as being quite pleasant, and one person's wife even just 'learned to accept it'. I really just preferred to stay away from the topic overall, as it just strikes me as ... A little too far afield, and a bit too likely the realm of abnormal psychology.