I don't really understand this - hasn't science measured the wavelengths of the various colours? Would different scientific instruments measuring this image come out with different readings? I don't think so!
For the sake of world peace, someone measure this photo and settle the argument once and for all. (Then please determine if toilet rolls should be hung with the paper away from the wall or next to the wall).
It all depends on the person watching this picture, everyone sees things slightly different than the other. The real color of this dress is black and blue, and the photo which makes it appear white and gold was overexposed according to media outlets.
I see something of a reddish brown and a light purple or violet myself, though it is interesting to see how others answer as well. Krusten's answer is interesting, I had not considered the color being what it is because of saturation.
Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Jan, 2017 - 11:44pm