March 9-10, 1945 Tokyo Fire Bombings
Tokyo firebombing - survivors recall most destructive air raid in history:
An estimated 100,000 people perished in the firebomb raid on Tokyo in the night of March 9-10, 1945. At the same time, 1 million were rendered homeless and over 41 square kilometers of the city were razed to the ground. Ref. Source 9
The Japanese people had the power to stop this but instead of rebelling against the emperor and his minions they worshiped him like a god, well that's what 'god' gave you in return.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 28 2.8%
That's a bit harsh. Bombs didn't only kill those that honored the emperor but also innocent children and maybe those who opposed the emperor but could not speak out.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 16 1.6%
Its not harsh its the casualties of war. You do not go to war not expecting people to be hurt, killed or maimed including women and children. It is no different in warfare today even when targets are more specific.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 28 2.8%