How Accountable Is An Autistic Person?
Name: Mimi
Comments: There is a woman in my ward whom I told is autistic. On one hand she can be quite normal but other times she does some weird stuff. I was told that is part of being autistic but I wonder how much of it is her fault. I mean what's the balance between knowing what you shouldn't do and what you should and is it sin? She's a member of the church and I've heard her testimony so I know she believes but some days she like turns into another person and can say some really mean things.
Autistic persons are labeled as "rude" for those who do not understand the condition. Just because they may be able to understand that their behavior isn't acceptable, doesn't mean they are able to stop it.
I know because I have a child with autism who seems rude, he is hyperverbal and you can tell him to stop a MILLION times and he will STILL continue no matter how upset you may sem. He just cannot help it so I truly believe the level of accountability is one that the Lord will evaluate very carefully taking into consideration his condition.
It is so hard to say how accountable a person who is autistic is because they see the world in such a different way.
As a side note I have added related links at the top of this Thread that continues the Discussion on Autism and similar Topics.
Name: Nick
Comments: How accountable would you be if you were born without arms and I asked you to help me move my big screen TV?
Although I understand Nick's answer that is making it out to be that all persons with autism are somehow not accountable. From the few I've met they are very smart and interact very well. They have the priesthood, give talks and what not so there must be something good happening there otherwise all these things wouldn't be accomplished. Maybe there are individual cases where the person is not aware of their actions.
Everyone can ask “how much am I responsible for, how much of my actions that are 'bad' are a result of not being perfect, just being human. How many are just because I want to do them.” Now with someone with a mental handicap has a third question, how many 'bad' thoughts and actions are a result of my handicap. I have heard stories of people with mental disabilities being in high positions in companies, and hearing what they have to do every day to be at that level, to me it sounds like they need to study for a university level, final exam, most of the day, every day. I don't know about you but it seems unfair to expect someone else to do this much work, if you are not doing it yourself.
I agree with Haleray but sometimes I think people just make out excuses for whatever their behavior. Here in the US all of the sudden everybody seems to have some sort of medical condition and they use it as an excuse for everything.