More Enhancements
Looking at different screen widths I also changed the way mobiles show:
1. GM Avatar - it is authoritative now and stands out among the others.
2. Long class titles are shortened.
3. On very small phone screens the character title tends to get squished, now it will clear the avatar before showing you the text. The font also changes for small screens.
4. Some other little enhancements to make everything appear well on any screen size.
The Guardian Is Complete
On your Character Sheet you will see an option for the Guardian. The explanation and choices offered are both on the same page when you attempt to edit it.
Unlike many other parts of the Character Sheet this is the first feature that requires some prerequisites. This is to separate the core players from those just passing through.
Here are the features if you select a Guardian:
* Your Character Notes are protected from public view
* The GM's Notes are protected from public view. Yes, your GM can still see his notes but will not see yours. The GM can use this to relay happenings to your Character that he does not want other Players to see. Thus, having a Guardian enables better options for your Character as you can respond to the GM in game with certain actions that may be curious for other Players.
* An image of your Guardian is shown on your Character Sheet, you see it as a background but others see it as a block to your notes.
* Your Guardian also appears in your Character's Posts making a statement about how serious you are with your Character's involvement in the current Role-playing Game .
* A small padlock shows on your Character Sheet link if you have a Guardian protecting you.
Related Information: How to communicate with the GM privately
That looks totally cool JB, just waiting for when you have it for World of Medieval.This feature could probably be used like how you had the secret order before?
The Guardian feature is not so intensive as the Secret Order allowed Discussion among Players of the same Order versus Players who were not part of the Order. However, that does give me an idea that I will post in World of Medieval.
The Guardian feature is to protect some of your content, especially what the GM / Dungeon Master may want to say about your Character without other Players seeing.
Now as we are on the Topic of Guardians, I've added even more with a total of 16 unique Guardians to choose from.
The whole guardian thing is a really cool feature I think I ended up spending all my FP on it and now I have to get it back. What else do you have in store for us?
I have the following to do:
* Add in the Gems (In the works)
* Add in Guardians for the other Role-Playing Games
* Unique Character sheet for GM / Dungeon Master
* GM / Dungeon Master can select their own cosmetics for their game.
Gems Have Been Activated
I've finished coding in the Gems today. You can read about it here: Text Role-playing Game Creator's Gems. If you are a Dungeon Master / GM you will want to pay close attention to how this can affect your Players and your game.
Next To Do
Next, I will be working on making the GM's Character Sheet unique as well as giving all Game Master's the ability to choose settings for the main game Threads such as: background, special text and so forth. This will help you to give a better cosmetic feel for your game.