Ponyfinder Added
Adjustments to the Text Role-playing Game Creator will now enable those in the Ponyfinder Role-playing Game to use their own unique look and feel. Although, other features still continue to be converted the Comics & Anime Board will now serve for this genre.
Small Update
Via your Posts your Character Sheet button will now have another ID called "Role" this is mostly because of the Multi-Character option. This let's the Character Creator know which Character you have selected as "Primary" rather than simply choosing your first created Character. Even if you have not used the Character Switching option you will still have an ID attached.
I was doing some role-playing with another character and I wanted to know what he looked like so I went to the character sheet of the player and noticed there wasn't a field for race. That might be something that could be added to the character sheet.
That's true although I mostly saw it as being for background info but your race is part of your background so there. You know what might be cool is having some sort of popup for each box with tips and maybe even a sample of what could be put in the box. Then we wouldn't forget to put in our race if we get it like a tip, hint or even as a template.
I tend to not like any kind of "Popup" but there are other effects I can use. Right now, I'm not doing any further development on the Text Role-playing Game Creator as everyone seems to be comfortable with what they have at present and the suggested upgrades was met with apathy save for a few, so I'm focusing on ROK 2 at the moment and will revisit this later.
Character Sheet Wide Screen Columns
In your Character Sheet you will now see the Wide Screen Columns like the rest of the site but instead of showing content from the whole Community it will be Role-playing Game centered. There is also a placeholder for the Auto SRD Reference to be added at some point.
Text RPG Character Creator (Hover)