Just out of curiosity and to build a more robust system: when a player edits their character, does that lock the database in a way that a GM cannot edit the GM notes, or is that stored elsewhere? If the player were to open the character for editing, the GM completes his full transaction, then the player saves his sheet, will the GM's change be lost?
You lost me there ICon, I wasn't thinking you were doubting or analyzing my skill. I thought your question was surrounding an issue you had while editing but I see now you were in fact asking about the mechanics of the Text Role-playing Game Creator.
What I Will be Adding In 2017
I plan to add these as updates to the Text Role-playing Game Creator:
1. Special Avatar options for Premium Members
2. GM Awards for the best Role-players as covered here: Order of the Game Master
3. A section for the Character's Personal Rival which will give the GM lots to work with both in tying in to a current Scenario as well as 'making some trouble'.
All three are really good but I really like the first two the most. I wouldn't mind showing off a cool avatar if they were distinct from the others. It will also nice to see if the Dungeon Master recognizes your part in a game.
I do understand these things require some coding work which is all like reading Chinese to me. I'm happy with having those whenever you can and will be curious how everyone uses #3.
Edited: Hunter on 14th Feb, 2017 - 2:31pm