Or if you don't want to use any of the Avatars just leave it alone and choose none. Its not like its a requirement, its just meant to be an enhancement. The through power is in the player's ability to role-play.
All true. When I get a chance to do the things I mentioned in my last Post then I will make it available. For now any 'special' avatars can be sent to me via Email and I will take it from there.
Create a character, even multiple characters, choose how you want to customize it and show it off in your posts or to others via a link? This is a dream.
Maybe this is better asked in the super hero thread but I'll give it a try here first. I noticed we have the super hero sheet using this new creator but how will that work with our past super hero info that was there already? I can't get access to it at the moment.
Game Master's Can Now Edit!
All Game Masters / Dungeon Masters can now edit the "GM Notes" Section of all Players in their game. This allows you to keep specific information on a Player so no 'fudging' can take place. An example of this is having starting values recorded by the GM so if there is an increase later in the game he can tell if the increase is proportionate. It is also a good way to track experience points if you do not want the Player to track it.
Extra Special Boxes and Fields
I have so far implemented this in the Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game as there are stats there that need to be kept seperate, but this can also be used by other GM's as well. Basically it allows for new boxes to be added based on a need outside the ones already there by default in the Character Sheet. It is activated already for Be A Super Hero, and will only be activated for other Role-playing Games as a need arises.