We were having a discussion about various tools at Satan's disposal in the latter days and some of the brethren were trying to compare some of the more effective ones. I thought of throwing out some of the responses here to see what you all thought:
* Internet
* Television
* Radio
* Newspapers
* Fashion designers
* Hollywood
* Bars and clubs
I disagree that the television, radio, and internet themselves are inherently "evil." It's the content provided that gets people.
How about:
Peer pressure
Pharmaceutical Advertising that discusses intimate relationships
Cartoons (and sitcoms) portraying crude, vulgar behavior as funny
It boils down to the "good for evil and evil for good" discussed in the scriptures, in my opinion.
QUOTE (FarSeer @ 26-May 08, 3:00 PM) |
I disagree that the television, radio, and internet themselves are inherently "evil." |
We were having a discussion about various tools at Satan's disposal in the latter days and some of the brethren were trying to compare some of the more effective ones. |
It's the content provided that gets people. |
I find it interesting that when lists like this are posted, they usually only deal with sexual sins and word of wisdom. I do not know why we generally limit our talk about sin to these subjects-mainly to sex. I think we are scandalized by it.
Pretty much anything can be added to this list, but I will add a few. Big homes (over 2000 sq. feet IMO) with very expensive decor. Large expensive cars like SUVs,and luxury cars and our excessive toys like boats, ATVs, campers, etc. Our expensive jewelry and costly appearal. I think that we tend to spend more money on things like this at the expense of the poor in the world. We use our resources to by big nice homes, over priced large cars, and other "toys" when a small home, and a average car is enough for our needs.
I would agree with that as well.
I think the word PRIDE describes those sins in my mind. I remember hearing a talk or reading an article from a general authority that was talking about how we didn't even need to go across the world to find the poor among us. He used the example of somewhere in Utah where there are very expensive houses and "high living" up on the mountain and at the base of the mountain were people that were begging for that nights meal or clothes to keep their kids warm in.
Pretty much anything can be added to this list, but I will add a few. Big homes (over 2000 sq. feet IMO) with very expensive decor. Large expensive cars like SUVs,and luxury cars and our excessive toys like boats, ATVs, campers, etc. Our expensive jewelry and costly appearal. |
39 And if ye seek the riches which it is the will of the Father to give unto you, ye shall be the richest of all people, for ye shall have the riches of eternity; and it must needs be that the riches of the earth are mine to give; but beware of pride, lest ye become as the Nephites of old. |
I read something interesting from someone in a blog comment, he was saying (paraphrasing here): If Satan considers the Kingdom of God a threat what would be one method of fighting against it? Decreasing the number of missionaries and converts. How? By creating conditions where they will never be born.
Food for thought.