From another newspaper:
"He is to blame because I left her in his custody," Rajoon said, in an interview at her Umesh Drive home. |
The mother said she had been left Hope in the care of a man. "He did not even want her to go by a neighbour's house. He would take her everywhere he went," Rajoon said. |
Nevertheless, Rajoon said the relative had been known to take occasional drinks when he got his fortnightly pay. |
Newspapers are reporting that the man has a history of violence, so again everybody else knows this except the mother? Also I looked a couple of pictures of Hope (check links provided) and she looks much older than her real age (8) not to mention she is "made up": Lots of jewelry, lipgloss and even shaped eyebrows? Hmmmmm.
The man who police said killed eight-year-old Hope Arismandez-the girl who loved him like a father-hid a dark past with a history of violence. He gained the trust of Hope's family, moving between their apartment in Chase Village, to his squatter's house in the swamp near Charlieville. Hope's mother, Sherma Rajoon, 48, said she never believed the man was capable of such evil. But in his village, his brothers and neighbours spoke of a man filled with hate. He had beaten several people, including a woman he once lived with, was once arrested and charged for drug dealing, and had hurt members of his own family while drunk. One of his brothers said: "He was a vengeful person. He would wait in the bush for you and attack you." The man was a secondary school drop-out whose father died when he was five years old and who lived with his grandmother from infancy till her death three years ago. The 28-year-old suspect was charged last night with Hope's murder. The autopsy yesterday found Hope took long to die. The pathologist found a knife slash across her throat, a stab to the back of the head, and that a blunt object was used to pound her on the head-the injury that killed her. Whether she was sexually assaulted could not be confirmed because of the state of decomposition of her body. Rajoon was among relatives who saw Hope's body yesterday. She fainted. While the autopsy was being done, Hope's classmates were praying for her. The Carapichaima Roman Catholic Primary School held a special mass in her memory. Many cried. A small shrine was set up in the school's lobby. She was a favourite, said principal Heather Palmer-Ovid. "She was one of the children who waited each day to tell me good morning. She had a personality that could not be ignored." To help the school recover, counsellors have been working there since Monday, School Supervisor II Victor Ramlal said. Hope's anguished class teacher will be singled out for special attention, he noted. Hope's body was found three rows into an abandoned canefield off the Pierre Connector Road, Chaguanas, on Tuesday afternoon. She had gone missing last Saturday night. Rajoon had left Hope with a neighbour in the apartment complex while she worked at a supermarket in Chaguanas. The man came and took Hope to the family's apartment. Hope called her mother at 9 p.m. to say she was getting a meal of chicken and fries. When Rajoon came home at 11 p.m., Hope was gone.... |
They assigned the beast his own jail cell after other prisoners refused to sit down with him in court and as they were leaving in trucks exclaimed "We waiting for you in jail. We going to feed on you."
That means he is in protective custody since his life has been threatened by other inmates. Any inmate can request protective custody. They are then placed in a cell away from others and will not be able to interact with any other prisoner. I think he knows that the general population of prisoners will kill him and he does not want that for he is hoping to get out and do this again.
More I read, more sad I get at imagining what this poor, innocent young child went through. Hope fought for her life until the end.
Sunil Ali claimed it was the liquor he drank that night which fuelled his lust for little Hope Arismandez. And he fooled eight-year-old Hope into going for a ride in his truck so he could have his way with her. But Hope fought back, Ali said in a videotaped confession he gave before he died, investigators revealed yesterday. He said he attacked Hope in the truck. She tried to get away, but he pulled his truck into a cane field road and tried to ravage her. She battled back. So he pushed her out of the truck and beat her. Three rows into the canefield, Hope was lost. It was while trying to sexually assault her that Ali decided she could not live to tell of what he had done. He cut her across the throat and stabbed her in the back of the head. Ali's statement would have condemned him to the hangman. But he beat such an end. Ali was found hanging at the Top Security Section of the Remand Yard at Golden Grove, Arouca, last Saturday evening. His wrists had cut marks. A release from the Trinidad and Tobago Prison Service yesterday confirmed his death was due to hanging. However, police authorities are said to be unhappy that they were not notified that Ali was to be autopsied by Dr Hughvon Des Vignes at the Forensics Science Centre in St James on Sunday. Whether he was given the tools to take his life, was murdered, or was given the time to do it are being investigated. A week earlier, Hope had been left by her mother, Sherma Rajoon, 48, with one of the tenants living at the family's apartment complex at Chase Village, Chaguanas. Rajoon, the mother of four, went to work the late shift at a supermarket. Ali, 28, was her live-in lover.... |