I think they are. My reason is that they are dressing to attract attention and that a young teenager is not ready for the underling consequence of the sexual attention that they end up receiving (Not all but the majority).
I do not for one second think that an average 13 to 16 year old really understands that their life will come to a complete and udder stop with the addition of a baby. Also that the baby is their responsibility not something to pawn of on their parents. Nor is the STDS they face fully understood. The side effects of casual sex is not fully explained and understood my the majority of teens.
I do know though that some are ready and able to have complete relationships including marriage. So as a parent I hope to keep open mindedness but also will have made sure my boys understand what it is all about and the consequences they will face if they do chose to act and dress provocatively.
Not just teens, but even pre-pubescent children. I saw a young girl barely 11 years old wearing a tight mini-skirt and heels to school the other day, walking with her mother! What parent lets a child of this age dress like that? Insanity!
Krakyn, you are correct in that young girls do not recognize or fully understand the attention drawn to them when they dress in revealing clothes. It's potentially devastating. But like a kitten pouncing at shadows, they don't understand why they want to look "that way" (sexy), they just think that it's "grown up."
However, we have to also recognize that in the US (and perhaps other countries as well, but I have no exprience there) in the past 20 years or so, there has been a steady progression into more and more revealing clothing for women of all ages. It's very upsetting, and difficult to find modest clothing for me and my daughter. If it comes down to it, I may have to start sewing again just to be able to meet my own standards of modesty.
Absolutely FarSeer the media and pop culture are leading our young down dangerous paths. I might add also not just the girls the males are no better. They are doing the same thing.
But so far at least for men we still have GQ that promotes good mens fashion. I think it would be a great boon if dads took the reigns here and instruct their boys one why to stay away from the the females who are dressing n appropriately and why it is important for us guys to treat females as ladies.
At 9 my son knows the basics on reproduction and I am starting on the emotional side of things by 11 I feel he will kneed all the informational tools he needs to stay safe and meet a sane lady later in life and not get sucked into the modern culture.
My wife is filling him in on the female view of the relation aspect. Our goal is to have him better prepared than we were at 12 or 13 when their world gets turned upside down.
A classic was on the bus going home this well endowed young lady(14to16) had every thing exposed and very short hot pants on. Either she was heading to a john or just has no clue it was very sad as every one was snickering at her and her self esteem appeared low from her posture and body language very very sad.
Hi Guys,
Your both absolutely right in your posts, the state of modern society is shameful with relation to the way young women are being pressured to exhibit themselves in a provocative way, and the way they are learning this from a modern media culture in which sex is an everyday day tool used to promote commerce.
What must be taken into account, is that history has a tendencey to repeat itself, and people like us have been ruefully commenting on the state of our cultures for over 200 years.
I am a 19 year old man living in Britain, Englnad in particular; and whilst I have no basis to compare it to your countries, I do know that we have the exact same problem and it is very prevalent in young women; our country has a long lasting reputation for what has been dubbed "slagishness" in certain groups of our younger women; which is essentially an overt promiscuity and tendency to get very drunk on weekends and end up in bed with a stranger; a behavior which is inevitably passed on to younger and younger generations of women.
However - this is not a new problem. Binge drinking, "slagishness" and violence has been documented and commented upon for hundreds of years in Britain, and I am unsurprised Britains' reputation precedes itself. I hesitate to say that this is a problem that has existed, and will exist for many years to come, whether it be scantily clad victorian women on the docks of London 150 years ago or provocatively dressed school girl in Canada, present day...
I also agree that this trend is getting out of control but there is way to much influence in peoples lives to dictate what they think, say, or wear.
"At 9 my son knows the basics on reproduction and I am starting on the emotional side of things by 11 I feel he will kneed all the informational tools he needs to stay safe and meet a sane lady later in life and not get sucked into the modern culture.' |
Message Edited... LDS_forever: Please learn how to use quote tags. |
QUOTE (xphadex) |
find a rape victim or have them talk to an ex-prostitute |
Once he hits that age with peer pressure and hormones he will not see women the same for some time to come. |