Perhaps largely because I type so often and also last worked on my penmanship in elementary school… my penmanship is terrible. Messy, uneven, and too large more often unless I rewrite and create multiple drafts.
As such, I am much more comfortable typing then I could ever be writing with a pen or pencil. At this point, I have even come to avoid using such unless I have to or for my signature.
I carry a journal for jotting down ideas as they occur during the day. My tendency to edit on the spot means that these notes are usually really messy and unorganized though. Much of my actual, finished work is on my computer. I also hold my pen strangely, so I'm prone to smudge my work. Typing is just cleaner and faster for my finished work.
I have typed a lot of words on a computer and I have written a lot of words on paper. I think the putting the words I have written on paper onto a computer and a flash drive may be the way to go for now. I want to save some of what I have written as I may add to it.
The keyboard, without a doubt. I honestly avoid writing with a pen or pencil as much as I possibly can, hating my own handwriting and much preferring the convenience of making something look nice while providing the benefit of spelling or grammar.
Now would I love to be able to write fancy and skillfully, with pen or with even quill, but given how it is something very much dying out with less and less use. It would be a skill that wouldn't have much use in the modern age.
Edited: Thomaslee on 27th May, 2017 - 5:21pm